Black, John W., 641-642 .

Blaisdell, Thomas C., 418n, 491-492, 728,

Blanding, Sarah, 192

Boggs, Marion W.. 324, 327 - ..

Bohlen, Charles ER. 210n, 221-225, 826,
3300, 342-344, 363

Bohr, Niels, 75-79, 102

Bolivia, 604, 617, 683-684

Bonnet, Henri, 80-81

Bor, Gen., 316.

Borden, William, 571-572

Borneo, 881

Bourgerio, Elmer H., 868

Bowers, Claude G., 668n

Boyd, John G., 914-915

Bradley, Gen. Omar N., 12, 16, 31n,

188, 202-205, 214, 227, 297, 312, 322, |

344, 348-349, 390-391, 401, 416-418,
421, 463, 474-475, 479, 503-511, 548,
~ BT2;. 574. 576 |
Brannan, ‘Charles F
809n, 845
Bray, William H., 152
Brazil (see.also Brazilian interests and

,7 8%, 808, 806, 808,

position under Atomic energy, for-|. |
Atomic f -

- eign policy aspects, ete.) :

+ energy, -international control of, |
.- 1213. double. taxation convention So
yo with: the United States, proposed, | .

» 688, 690; GATT tariff negotiations 7

vat Torquay, 790, 799; highway proj-
ects, 660-661 ;. “inland. waters and
marginal sea, policy concerning,
875, 883; jet aireraft purchases,
possibility of, 638; Korean war, at-
titude toward, 645, 656; technical
assistance agreement with the
United States, Dec. 19, 1950, 874;

‘trade restrictions, 697, 7480 ; treaty .
of friendship, commerce, and navi- |
gation with the United States, nego- |.

tiations concerning, 681, 685; US.
‘military assistance, 616, 652n, 658,
668n;. U.S. policy, 656; Western

Hemisphere defense role, 624n, 634}
Bretton Woods Agreement Act, 1945, |

T21n,; 8100
Bronz, George, 762-764, W214
Brown, Aaron §., 642n.—
Brown, Ben. H., 206
Brown, Richard R., 862
Brown, Winthrop, BT, 759n, 766n, T70-
496, TT%n, TTB, 788, 790, 796-
Bruce, David K.E., 564-565
Bruce, James, 1380, 148n, 623 os
Budget, U.S. Bureau - of the, 66, 148,
150-151, 206, 296, 298-306, 313, 319,
824, 413, 432n, 443, 450, 882, 858,
855 . . Cs
Bulgaria, 381, 876 Ds
Burgess, ‘Arthur, TA


Burke, it. Col. William, 16

“Burma: China, People’s Republic of,

policy of, 335, 3804, 372, 382, 384,
388 ; Communist threat, 329, 354;
guerrilla. operations, 403 ; trade re-
_ strictions, 738”; U.S. economic and
~ military assistance, 212, 444 ; US.
policy, 131

‘| Burns, Maj. Gen. James H., 169, 175-

_ 176, 181, 190, 196, 204-205, 297, 312,
324, 841n, 342, 548, 624-625, 626n,
. 642n, 647-648, 664
Burns, . Robert, 759, 191-794, 796

~1| Bush, ‘Vannevar, 214, 226-234, 480.

Butler, George H. , 142, 168, 190, 196, 200,
203, 466-467.

Butterworth, W. Walton, 1387, 210n, 581

Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic,

Byrd, Adm. Richard E., 910

Byroade,. Henry ‘A., 138n, 2100

Cabot, Thomas D., ‘485n -
Cadogan, sir: Alexander, 5, 17, 18n, 48
Caine, Sir Sidney, 759
Canada (see also Canadian interests and
position under Atomic energy, for-
-e@ign policy. aspects, ete.; and Coun-
- try positions under General agree-
- ments on tariffs and trade:. Tariff
- negotiations . . .. at: Geneva, Tariff
negotiations ... at Torquay, and
_ under United Nations: General As-
sembly: Atomic energy, interna-
tional control of) : Canadian-Amer-
ican Permanent Joint Defense
Board, 399; defense plans, 465;
oe double taxation convention with
the United States, June 12, 1950,
_ _ 688-689; economic data for, 258;
inland waters and marginal sea,
policy concerning, 875, 883, 890;
Soviet attack, possibility of, 377;
trade restrictions, 718n, 735, 748n;
trade with the United Kingdom,
740-741; United Kingdom, eco-
nomic. and financial assistance for,
768; U.S. military assistance, 616;
Uz S. policy, 144, 165, 212, 216

‘Caribbean. ‘See under American Repub-

‘lies. -
Caribbean : Commission, 862

‘Cecil, Robert, 913-914 |
Central Intelligence Agency, 184, 251,

295, 331, 483, 460, 510, 576
Ceylon. See Sri Lanka.
Chapman, Oscar, 490-491, 7 87
Chapman, Wilbert M., 87 6, 888-893
Chase, Joseph, 176

: "| Chauvel, Jean, 17-18, 48, 56-58, 81
Chennault, Maj. Gen. Claire, L., 488
Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo, 327
Childs, Prescott, (824