626           FOREIGN RELATIONS, 1950, VOLUME I

memorandum" recommends a position to be taken by the Department
at that time.
  The present paper represents several months of work to harmonize
the views of this Department and the Defense Department on mili-
tary relations with Latin America. For many years, difficulties have
been encountered on this subject as a result of conflicting objectives
sometimes pursued by the two Departments. It is the- Defense Depart-
ment's desire to develop in the Latin American countries small but
competent military establishments capable of performing limited
defense functions in time of war, in order that United States man-
power may not need to be tied up there. Development of such armed
forces frequently involves expenditures for armaments by the Latin
American countries which they can ill afford. Encouragement of
such expenditures runs counter to the Department's policies of seek-
ing to develop stronger, more productive economies in Latin America,
recognizing that the production of raw materials may well be Latin
America's major contribution to hemisphere defense in time of war.
   'The 7present paper has set forth.-fully the basic considerations of
 both Departments and suggests methods for harmonizing these views
 iin a basic national policy.
   First, the paper recognizes (paragraph 8) that individual problems
 cannot be settled on the basis of political, economic or military factors
 alone, but only by a weighing of United States interests in respect to.
 all three areas of policy. The net result of the paper in this regard
 is primarily to indicate an approach to problems with perhaps a.
 grea-ter comprehension on the part of each Department of the require-
 ments and interests of the other.
   Second, the paper sets forth a method for developing a clear under-
 standing of the role of each Latin American country in a hemisphere
 defense p an. On the basis of such roles, this Government will have
 a better idea of the character and extent of armament which each of
 the Latin American countries should possess for hemisphere defense.
   The paper at present gives a very elementary indication of the
 thinking of the Defense Department regarding the role of Latin-
 American countries.(paragraph 17).1 At various times in the discus-
 sion the Defense Department has insisted upon whittling down its
 references to the strategic roles of other countries. It is believed that

   See footnote 3 to the letter from Mr. Rusk to General Burns, A)pril25,
 p. 624.