Acheson, Dean G.:
  American Republics, U.S. military as-
      sistance program for, 620-622,
      623n, 639n, 651, 660n, 667-668
  Antarctic, U.S., policy regarding the,
      910, 915-917
  Atomic energy-: Foreign policy aspects
      of U.S. development of, 493, 494n,
      499, 500n, 528-538, 541-544, 546-
      548, 550, 55-2-553, 55',- 559-562,
      566-567, 570-572, 574-575, 578-
      580, 587,-590, 592-593, 596-598;
      international control of, proposed,
      1,. 2n, iOn, 13, 22n,, 24, 26n, 49-52,
      54-56, 60n, 66-67,74-76, 79, 81-84,
      89, 93-94, 101-104,.111-112, 123,
      270, 296, 532
  Balance-of-payments problems, 832-
      833, 834-837, 841
  Caribbean, defense of the, 619-620
  Conventional axrmaments, proposed
      regulation of, 44, 59, 63-66
  Foreign aid programs, 408
  Fuchs case, 527-528
  General agreement on tariffs and
      trade, matters pertaining to the,
      714, 725, 727, 732-733, 749, 759-
      762, 764-766,-776, 788-790, 802-
  Inter-American   military collabora-
      tion, 611, 625, 627,-628n, 635n,
      670n, 679, y680n
  Korean war: American Republics,
      proposed participation. .by 'ithe,
      649, 651n, 664-666,;669, 675-677;
      matters concerning, 330-, 344-346,
      ,349, 420, 402-464
  Meetings with British and French
      Foreign Ministers: Lonfdon, 63n,
      *550n, 559-562-; .New. York, 371,398
  Mutual Defense A'sistance Program,
      322, 352, 393-395, 412, 6201-622
  Natilonal emergency proclamation of,
  National Security .Council, ,operations
      and organization of, 348
   National security policy, 141-143, 153,
       160, 168, 183-186, 187n, 202-204,
       206 211, 213-214, 216,-218, 225,
       234,9236, 273, 293,9 297, 347, 351,
       357, :360-364 , 367F, 375, 397-398,
       401, 404, 418,.468, 4585, :487-489,
  North Atlantic~-Treaty Organization,
       Council meetings of the, ,50n,

Acheson, Dean G.-Continued
  Operations against guerrillas, collab-
      oration with friendly govern-
      ments on, 401-403
  Point, Four program, 846, 847n, 849-
      850, 856, 858, 864, 869-871
  Taiwan, U.S. policy toward, 382n
  Territorial sea and related, matters,
      875-876, 879-882, 893-895
  Thermonuclear weapons,. proposed
      U.,S. development of, 503, 511-513,
      517, 524-525, 538-539, 542
  Trade Agreements Act, renewal of,
      780. 782-788
  U.S. Defense Department, liaison with
      ithe, 341, 34,2n,
  U.S. military bases in foreign terri-
      -tory,: 399 -
Achilles, Theodore C., 215
Adams, Ware, 1,42.
Afghanistan, 354, 380-381, 387, 865-866
Africa, 187-190, 299, 407, 422, 447, 465,
    654, 830, 852, 8*66-868
Agriculture, U.S. Department- of, 295,
    450, 663, :695n,9 739,:;803-804, 806-
    808, 814, 851, 853, 85.7-858, 861
Air Force, U.S. Deparment of the, 251,
    292, 450, 600, 637-640, 670 .
Alaska, -377
Albania, 381.
Algeria, 743
Allen, Maj. Gen. Leven C., 399
Allen, Ward P., 117-119, 121
American Friends .Service Committee,
American Republics. (see also individ-
    -,ual countries and under', Korean
  Caribbean area, defense of1,-619-620,
  Communist activities,-630, 644:
  Inter-American Defense Board, 602,
      -605-608, 618, 622-623, 630, 632,
      635, 640, 652, 657-658, 660-661,
      667, 670-673, 676nP, 679-680
  Inter-American highway, 443, 660-661
  Inter-American   military collabora-
      tion,, 601-619, 621-641, 651-652,
      670-672, 679-680
  Inter-American Military, Cooperation
      Act, proposed, 613,    616,629
  Lend-lease asisistance, 603, 656, 666
  Strategic :materials from, 601, 604,
      606, 610, 630, 633-634, 656, 659-
      660. 661n. 663-664