for coordinating implementation of control systems in respective
fields. Pres's suggestion foreshadowed at last year's GA in US state-
ment to the effect that if and when suitable and acceptable plans for
atomic energy and conventional armaments control are developed,
there will be necessity for coordinating the two plans in an over-all
system of collective security. In this connection, Delegation's atten-
tion called to paras 2c SD/A/C.1/3362 and SD/A/C.1/337.3 Agree-
ment on such coordination of implementation is an integral part of
agreement on the two systems of control. Suggestion of Pres is to the
effect that concurrent with continuing efforts to reach agreement on
atomic energy and conventional armaments control systems, UN
might now also prepare and plan for coordination of respective plans
for joint implementation against the day 'that 'agreement can be
reached. This is the only road to effective disarmament that US and
UN can take if genuine disarmament is ever to come about. There is
no intention of starting arms control discussions from scratch but
rather of building on existing foundations. Suggestion accordingly
does not stem from sudden shift in policy. 'Question involved is ap-
propriate time when such consolidated and coordinated approach shld
be advanced. Terms of reference of new commission, together with its
.membership, must be carefully worked out in consultation with other
UN members so that commission is properly constituted a t outset and
will not be a source of grief later. US is initerested in receiving best
thinking of UN on this matter. US does not wish to impose its own
ideas at time when it wld like to receive independent expression of
views of others and accordingly US does not at this time intend to
introduce resolution this GA on this subject. If others submit resolu-
tions US will consider them on their merits. US will welcomethe bene-
fit of other Delegations' thinking on Pres's suggestion and in any event
US will, at ,appropri-ate time, but not necessarily at this GA, advance
its own views on how consolidation and coordination might take place
and on what basis.
   AnteP. 85.
   Ante, p. 86.

 10 Files: US/A/M (Chr) /176
 Minutes of the 41st Meeting of the United States Delegation to the
   General Assembly, New York, November 16, 1950, 9:15 a. m .
   [Here follow a list of -those present (46) and discussion of the pos-
 sible establishment of an International Cimi-nal Court,]