McKeever z'asked whether it was anticipated that the Soviets would
reintroduce their proposal for the elimination of the atomic weapon.
Mr. Nash thought it was quite possible thatt they might-bring in -this
proposal plus -the old- suggestion !for a -1/3 reduction in 'armaments
across the board. Mr. McKeever was worried about the possible vote
such a ,proposal might pick up in this Assembly, particularly among
the Asiatic states because of -their reaction to the :President's brief
press statemennt.
  Seniator Sparkan agreed that -we ought not build false hopes on
this item, but the 'felt that perhaps one -reason we might be running
second in the propaganda program was our permitting Russia so foten
to stand. out as 'the great advocate of peace-and of a -positive program
to control armaments. He thought that we, missed an opportuity if
we did :not emphasize as strongly ýas we could our own desire to see
worked out ýa .practical program for the reduction and control of
conventional arnmaments and weapons of mass destruction. Mr. Nasb
replied ,t.hat-in- our speech on the point of4recalling the work-of the
Atomic Energy Commission, we would review the plan which the
Unitd Nations had approved .and, at:the same time, point out the
speciousness of the Ruissia'n plan. This would:cover both a constructive
side and; ,a rebuttal note. In otherwords, we did have something con-
crete ,to offer in this instance.-
  Senator. Cooper 'remarked 'that -he also thought the ideas expressed
by Senator Sparkman were important to include.
  Ambassador Austin inquired whether the Delegation -hd any ob-
jections 'to the. proposal as explained, by Mr. Nah as-the policy of
the Delegation. T-here were no objections, and he announced iit to be
the unanimous agreement of the Delegation to proceed along ,the lines
  [Here follows discussion of -the location of the sixth session of the
General Assembly.]-

  -Porter-MeKeever, PUblic Information Adviser, United States Mission at
United Nations; Information .Officer, United States Delegation to-. the General

                         Editorial Note
  The- General: Assembly.. considered the 'question of international
control of atomic energy at "its 321st,322nd, and e323rd Plenary Meet
ings,. December- 12 -and 13.-At the:3.21-stMeeting,-Sir Keith Officer of
Australia introducda joint draft. resolutionsponsored-by Australia,
Canada, Ecuador, -France, the theherlands, Turkey tile- United-King-
dom, and-the'U--nit.ed"-St-ates --.(for-text,- see R'esoution"GA.96(V),