"Directed the NSC Staff, with the advice and assistance of all appro-
priat_ Executive--Departments and Agencies, to prepare a report for
Council consideration assessing and appraising the, objectives, com-

mitmenits "and risks of the United States under a continuation of pres-
ent conditions or. in the event of war in the near future, in relation to
our ,actual andpotential military power, in the interest of national
security, including any recommendations which should be made to the
President in connection therewith."
  A copy 'of the., Executive Secretary's memorandum to: the-Council
giving the background of this project-is attached.2
  .During the preparation and upon the completion of this report the
Department will have-an opportunity .to assure that-other Depart-
ments .and agencies understand better the-integration and inter-
relationship of our-political and -military policies and programs. Real
progress should be.made toward clarifying the basic concepts and the
principal elements of our national security program both in the event
of war or under-a continuation of conditions similar to the present.
This study should bring about not only ,a greater understanding- on
our part of the strategic thinking of the military departments, but
should also enable us to have a more direct effect- -on their thinking.
At the-same time we will be' explore carefully the broad impli-
cations of our own -programs as .they -affect. and are affected by our
military policies and by-our actual and potentialmilitary.power. It
1my Wel be-that we shall ourselves find pprofit in ideas-and suggestions
from the militaryand other agencies and departments.,
  This- study will..obviously call for, important: contributions by all
of the b ureaus and offices 'of-the Depar.tment.*For exampl), it, might
be worthwhile for each of the principally interested bureaus and offices
to consider the feasibility of preparing, as-a first step, the,-following
  a. List andesribe.briefly the principal problemsand conditionls
in t he:areaof its responsibility favorably or unfavorably affecting
our: nafional security.,
  b. List and describe, briefly the principal projects and programs,-in
the area of its responsibility in effect or planned measures to attack
thle above problems or improve thoselconditions.
  c, List important questions. pertinent to its areaofresponsibility,
which-mighgbe putto fthe( Department of Defense, to the National
Security Resources Board or to any other interested department -or
ageicy during this-study.-.
  Beca use-oftAhe importance and scope of this problem, I would sug-
gest that you-or your deputy foliow this personally.
  I expet'o raise, this matter at the under Secretary's meeting on
Friday,January 20.
                                                      DEA ,  USK
