through their association in a group. It is not suprising, therefore, that
in these meetings, as reported to the Department, prominent consider-
ation has been given to the possibility of creating a Latin American
military force for Korea, land to the utilization of the machinery of the
OAS to facilitate such a plan.
  1. It is in the interest of the United States, both from the domestic
and foreign viewpoints, to have Latin American forces participate
in the UN action in Korea or in another similar situation should one
develop in the future.
  2. It is necessary that the United States take the initiative to obtain
such participation, and provide the necessary training, equipment and
other logistic support to put effective Latin American forces in the
field. If the United States does not assume enthusiastic leadership and
responsibility in support of a program, it would fail with disastrous
political consequences.
  3. A few of the larger Latin American countries could organize
large enough national forces for service in Korea ,if the United States
gave full assistance.
   4. There are political advantages to obtaining Latin American par-
ticipation in the form of a collective force representing 'as many of the
twenty countries as possible, as compared with the contribution of
national forces from only a few countries.
   1. That the above conclusions be approved.
   2. That arrangements be made by the Department of Defense with
-the -military authorities of any Latin American countries now offering
a specific number of troops, to accept the offer and train and equip
those forces for eventual participation in the Korean conflict.
   3. That in addition to No. 2 the Departments of State and Defense
develop immediately a plan for the creation of a Latin American force
on the basis of the approval of other American governments and in
which volunteers from any Latin Anmerican country could enlist. Upon
approval of such a plan by the President, and subject to any necessary
.consultation with or 'approval by the Congress, the plan should be
.communicated by the State Department to the other American govern-
Anents with a view to their collective endorsement of it.