542           FOREIGN RELATIONS, 1950, VOLUME I

development of thermonuclear weapons and to make recommenda-
tions regarding its scope and timing.

Reconmendations 1.
  8. It is recommended that the President, without prejudice to-the
results of the re-examination of our objectives which the P-resident
directed the Secretaries of State and Defense to undertake on
January 31,1950:
  a. Note that the thermonuclear weapon program is regarded as a
matter of the highest urgency. There is no need for additional funds
beyondthose currently estimated for the feasibility test of the thermo-
nuclear weapon.
  b. Note with approval the program for the test of the feasibility of
a thermonuclear weapon and the necessary ordnance and carrier de-
veloopments, as now envisaged by the Atomic Energy Commission and
the Department -of Defense (see paragraphs 2, 3, 5 and 6 above).2
  c. Instruct the Atomic Energy Commission to continue making
preparations-looking toward quantity production of materials needed
for thermonuclear weapons especially, tritium to the extent necessary
to avoid delay between the determination of feasibility and the start
of possible weapon production (see paragraph 4 above).
  d. Further instruct the Department of Defense and the Atomic
Energy Commission to make a report with recommendations as soon
as feasible with respect to the scale of preparation for production- of
materials needed for thermonuclear weapons, especially-tritium, this
report to include a discussion regarding the feasibility of meeting the
production goals of the expanded program which the President ap-
proved last October..
  'President Truman approved these recommendations on March 10.
  Paragraphs 2-7 are not printed.
  s For text of the report to the President by the Special -Committee of
the Na-
tional Security Council, October 10, 1949, which recommended an acceleration
the atomic energy program, see Foreign Relations, 1949, vol. I, p. 559.

Memorandum by the Secretary of Defense (Johnson) to the Secretariy
                             of State

TOP SECRET                           WASHINGTON, 13 March 1950.
Subject: Suggested Policy Guidance for U.S. Represent-atives in
    'South African Atomic Energy Board Discussions.
  1. I have given thought to the prospective meeting between repre-
sentatives of the .Combined Development Agency and the South.
African Atomic Energy Board looking toward an agreement to pro-
vide uranium ore from South African mines. From the standpoint
of national defense, the importance of arriving at ,an early agreements