page 124). The measure provided for the establishment of a committee
of 12 to consider -the advisability of merging the functions of the
Atomic Energy :Commission and the Commission for Conventional
Armaments under a consolidated disarmament commission. For the
text of his presentation, see GA (V), Plenary, volume I, pages 608-609.
At the same meeting, Soviet~Representative Andrei Y. Vyshinsky
presented a draft resolution (see telegram Delga 428, infra),, accord-
ing to which-the Atomic Energy Commission would be instructed to
prepare conventionsprohibiting atomic weapons and providing for
international control of atomic energy. For Vyshinsky's address, see
GA (V), Plenary, volume I, pages 609-621.
  Further debate on the two draft resolutions occurred at the 321st,
322nd, and 323rd Meetings. For the statement by United States Repre-
sentative John Sherman Cooper on behalf of the eight-power draft,
delivered at the 321st Meeting, see-ibid., pages 623-626, or Department
of State Bulletin, December 25, 1950, pages 1023-1026.
  At its .323rd Meeting, December 13, the General Assembly approved
the eight-power joint resolution by a vote of 47 to 5 (Byelorussia,
Czechoslovakia,'Poland, the Ukraine, and the Soviet Union), with 3
abstentions (Yugoslavia, Indonesia, and Pakistan). The Assembly
then rejected the Soviet draft by a vote of 32 to 5 with 16 abstentions.
For the record of the 323rd Meeting, see GA_ (V), Plenary, volume I,
pages 639-652.

320/12-1250: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to
                      the Secretary of State

RESTRICTED              NEW YORK December 12, 1950-11:59 p. m.
  Delga 428. 'International Control of Atomic Energy. Following is
provisional -text of -USSR draft resolution introduced in plenary
today: (A/1676)1
"The GA:
  "Considering is essential to begin immediately the, prepara-
tion of a convention on the prohibition of theatomic weapon and the
control of atomic energy decides:
  "1. To instruct the UN AEC to resume its workl-in order ttotake up
immediatelyvtheý preparation. of a- draft- convention for:the. uncondi-
tional prohibition of the atomic weapon and a draft convention for

  Regarding consideration of this item by the General Assembly, see editorial
note, supra.'