of Mr. Ross and others as to its contents. The draft would confirm the
view that representation rested upon membership in the Security
Council, would point out that the conversations could not usefully
continue in the absence of the Soviet representative and would request
the Secretary-General to inform the members of the United Nations
that in the absence of the Soviet representative, the other Sponsoring
Powers would be unable to implement the resolution of the General
Assembly of November 23, 1949.
                                                       C. H. RUSSELL

10 Files: US/S/C.3/29
Aleorandum ofConversation, by Mr. Charles H. Russell, Adviser,

            United States Mission at the United Nations

CONFIDENTIAL                          [NEW YORK,] January 19, 1950.
Subject: Conventional Armaments
Participants: Baron     de la Tournelle, General Penette 1 French
               Mr. Cole,2 United Kingdom Delegation
               Mr., Nash,8 Mr. Russell, United States Mission
  At Mr. Nash's suggestion, a meeting was held at the French Dele-
gation yesterday afternoon to consider the work of the Commission
for Conventional Armaments in view       of the action taken by the
Security Council on January 17, 1950 in transmitting to the C.C.A. the
General Assembly Resolution of 5 December 1949, calling upon the
C.C.A. to proceed with its-plan of work.4

  G~n~ral de Brigade M. Penette, French Army Representative to the Military
Staff Committee from January 28, 1950.
  David L. Cole, Adviser, Permanent British Delegation to the United Nations.
  Frank C. Nash, Deputy United States Representative to the Commission for
Conventional Armaments.
  In Resolution 300 (IV), December 5, 1949, adopted by a vote of 44 to 5
5 abstentions, the General Assembly recommended that the Security Council
continue to study the regulation and reduction of armaments through the agency
of the Commission for Conventional Armaments in accordance with its plan
work. For the text of Resolution 300(IV), see Foreign Relations, 1949, vol.
p. 242.
  At its 462d Meeting, January 17,1950, the Security Council approved a French
proposal that the Resolution be transmitted to the Commission for Conventional
Armaments. The vote on the proposal was nine in favor, with Yugoslavia not
voting and the Soviet Union absent.
  For the text of the Plan of Work adopted by the Commission for Conventional
Armaments on June 18, 1947, and approved by the Security Council on July
1947, see United Nations, Official Records of the Security Council, Second
Supplement No. 14, p.,142 (hereafter cited as SC, 2nd yr., Suppi. No. 14).
plan consisted of six points: (1) terms of reference, (2) general principles,
(3) safeguards, (4) practical proposals for regulation and reduction of armed
forces, (5) extension of the system to non-United Nationis members, (6) sub-
mission of a report or reports to the Security Council.