tion of radioisotopes must comply. Thus progress reports need be
submitted only once instead of twice a year, the publication of results
obtained from the use of isotopes purchased under the program is
no longer obligatory, and the undertaking to accept all qualified visit-
ing scientists to laboratories where these isotopes are being used has
been modified.
  The Department has also noted the Commission's proposals (1) to
increase the number of isotopes currently distributed under the pro-
gram so as to include, inter alia, stable isotopes and minute quan-
tities of heavy water suitable for non-military experimental purposes;
(2) to perform special irradiation services on behalf of participating
countries; and (3) to modify the conditions under which isotopes may
be exported and used so as to include isotopes for industrial research
and application. The Commission, however, has not yet taken final
action with reference to these proposals.
  Although applications have been received from a large number of
foreign nationals to attend radioisotope courses at the Oak Ridge
Institute of Nuclear Studies, the Commission states that no new courses
are yet scheduled in which other than American citizens may
   [Here follows an Annex to the Summary Log, dealing with intelli-
gence matters.]

845A.2546/10-250: Telegram
   The Acting Secretary of State to the Enmbassy in South Africa

TOP SECRET                    WVAsHINGTON, October 2, 1950-6 p. m.
   61. For the Ambassador1 'from Arneson. Urtel 96 Sept 27.2 You
will receive in following air pouch first person instruction signed by
Sec,3 requesting that as soon ias can be arranged after presentation of
credentials you present orally to Prime Min or his deputy, official
views of US Govt per following aide-mwmoire, copy of which should
be left with So Africans:4
   "I have been requested by the Secretary of State, in his capacity
 as Chairman of the Combined Policy Committee for the United States,
 the United Kingdom and Canada on atomic energy matters, to convey
 to you this message:
 'Ambassador John G. Erhardt, appointed May 23, 1950.
 'Telegram 96 from Pretoria, September 27, is not printed.
   The first-person instruction, September 29, is not printed.
   'In telegram 119 from Pretoria, October 17, Ambassador Erhardt reported
 he had delivered the aide-mirnoire that day (845A.2546/10-1750).