ministrative procedures, the disbursement of and accounting for
funds, the contribution of each party to the cost of the program or
project, and the furnishing of detailed information of the character
set forth in Article II, Paragraph I above.
  2. Any funds, materials and equipment Introduced into
by the Government of the United States of America pursuant to such
program and project agreements shall be exempt from taxes, service
charges, investment or deposit requirements, and currency controls.
  3. The Government of            agrees to bear a fair share of the
cost of technical cooperation programs and projects.
                           ARTICLE IV
  All employees of the Government of the United States of America
assigned to duties in         in connection with cooperative techni-
cal assistance programs and projects and accompanying members of
their families shall be exempt from all         income taxes and
social security taxes with respect to income upon which they are obli-
gated to pay income or social security taxes to the Government of the
United States of America, and from property taxes on personal prop-
erty intended for their own use. Such employees and accompanying
members of their families shall receive the same treatment with respect
to the payment of customs and import duties on personal effects, equip-
ment and supplies imported into            for their own use, as is
accorded by the Government of           to diplomatic personnel of
the United States Embassy in
                            ARTICLE V
             Entry into Force, Amendment, Duration
  1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the day on which it is
signed. It shall remain in force until three months after either govern-
ment shall have given notice in writing to the other of intention to
terminate the Agreement.
  2. If, during the life of this Agreement, either government should
consider that there should be an amendment thereof, it shall so notify
the other government in writing and the two governments will there-
upon consult with a view to agreeing upon the amendment.
  3. Subsidiary project and other agreements and arrangements which
may be concluded may remain in force beyond any termination of
this Agreement, in accordance with such arrangements as the two
governments may make.
  4. This Agreement is complementary to and does not supersede
existing agreements between the two governments except insofar as
other agreements are inconsistent herewith.
