ance in order that they may serve as a basis for the collective defense
of the Hemisphere and make the treaty effective in time of war.
   16. To the ends of conserving those gains achieved in the field of
military collaboration, and of furthering the Western Hemisphere
Defense Program, it devolves upon the United States to find ways and
means to enable Latin American governments to procure arms to the
extent necessary to insure their continued interest and cooperation. As
an immediate objective, this should include authorization for the pro-
vision, on a reimbursement basis, of armaments, spare parts, and
ammunition necessary to prevent the deterioration of existing Latin
American armed forces and to provide modest augmentation of arma-
ments as justified for the maintenance of internal security. As a long
range objective, it should include consideration of Latin America in
future Military Assistance Programs, at least to an extent sufficient
to indicate the continued interest of the United States in the Orga-
nization of American States as a regional defense arrangement.
  17. [Here follows a reference to a proposed scheme for defense of
the Western Hemisphere.] This scheme, without committing the
American States to the provision of armaments or forces, should de-
velop the strategic concept for defense of the Hemisphere as a step
toward subsequently determining the extent and means of contribution
to that defense by each of the member nations.

                             [Annex 3]

  1. In consonance with the desires of the Secretary of Defense
toward integrating all elements of the global strategy of the National
Military Establishment, the guidance contained herein is designed
to effect the development of a Western Hemisphere defense scheme
under the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance analagous
to and parallel with that being undertaken in connection with the
North Atlantic Security Pact.6 The U.S. Delegation to the Inter-
American Defense Board (IADB) is the U.S. link for completing the
western segment of the chain of countries outside the Iron Curtain.
  2. A Western Hemisphere defense scheme is required which may
be agreed upon in principle by the other American States to serve
politically as the basis for:

  For documentation on the North Atlantic Treaty, see vol. iii, pp. 1 If.