Greece.and Indonesia and. Palestine, and the Italian.Colonies, where
ULN.,-.with our: vigorous. support, has. performed | useful | service. In
addition to-that, U. N.is joining in effort to. work. out. suitable frame-
work for extension ‘of. technical. assistance to undeveloped. areas, which ;
we hope can be coordinated with our own.Point IV efforts. In coming
year U.N, bodies will continue.to have important problems before
them, and: we -will continue to give every support.to U.N. as forum
and instrumentality for..transaction of. international business, where-
ever ‘this. does. not over-strain agency itself, thereby damaging its
prestige and effectiveness, and. ‘wherever this can contribute to inter-
national stability. We are aware of. deep interest of. our people in
collective association with others for treatment of international prob-
lems, and we will continue to examine carefully and with understand-
ing various schemes for deeper and wider collective associations, both
regional and ‘universal, which* interest. people i in our country. But we
will also bear carefully j in mind ‘dangerous significance of great polit-
ical division which does. exist in world today and fact that no inter-
national’ ‘juridical system can relieve us of our outstanding responsi-
bility: ‘for firm’ and i incisive leader ship. which we bear by: virtue of our
overwhelming economic, and potential military, power. ~

Yz Concruston. Ce

Th cold y war, We are. » holding our own, on balance. Tito controversy
has: roughly offset. communist successes in: China; full significance of
which. is not.yet clear. But victory i in cold war will be: a meaningless
concept if ‘we do not make real progress in development.of our rela-
tions with non-communist world: Here we must proceed: with courage,
insight dnd restraint demanded: of us as great power. and: reconcile
ourselves: to doing many things bwhich will be neithér easy nor pleasant:

WG GEE BS WOOP Loe Ta ~ Georen Kannan


103. 1/121850 : me “ot " . oS
lM Vemorandn aby y the « Deputy Under  Seoretary of State (way


TOP: SECRET... © EWasmworon;} Ja ‘Ja anuary | 18, 1950.

~The’ National Séeurity Coimneil has assigned the: following project
to its: s Staft: UNSC A Action No. 27 0, * January: 5, 11950) a


(ae “

“Uphis: smernorandunt Was - directed. to the following <qndividuals: , Geotee- Ww:
Perkins, Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs: W. Walton Butter-
worth, Assistant:Secretary for:Far Eastern: Affairs: Hdward- en Miller, Jr., Assist-
ant Secretary for American Republic Affairs; George C. McGhee, Assistant. See- |
retaty. for Near Bastern; South Asian,- and ‘African: Affairs Willard Tl. Thorp,
Assistant Secretary for. Economic Affairs: -Howland, H. Sargeant, Deputy. Assist-
ant Seéretary ‘for Publie Affairs ¢ W. ‘Park ‘Armstrong, Jr., Special Assistant for
Intelligence; Henry A. Byroade, Director of the Bureau of German Affairs;
James: Bruce, Director. of the Mutual-Defense Assistance - Program; John~D.
Hickerson, Assistant Secretary for United Nations Affairs :.and.R. ‘Gordon. Arne-
son, Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of State for atomic energy policy.