increasing productivity and expanding purchasing power". 3. A decla-
  ration of policy that financial agencies of the Government in reviewing
  requests for assistance should take into consideration whether assist-
  ance will contribute to a balanced and integrated development of the
  requesting country, whether facilities projected "are actually needed
  in view of similar facilities existing in the area" and whether private
  capital is available to finance the projects. 4. An authorization to the
  President to make contributions to technical cooperation programs of
  international agencies "which will contribute to accomplishing the
  purposes of this Title as effectively as would participation in com-
  parable programs on a bilateral basis." 5. An authorization to the
  President to participate in bilateral programs providing that (a) the
  participationof private agencies and persons is sought to the greatest
  extent practicable, (b) due regard is given to the fact that the country
  being assisted takes steps "necessary to make effective use of assistance
  made available, including the encouragement of the flow of productive
  local and foreign investment capital where needed for development,"
  (c) the country being assisted pays a fair share of the cost of the
  program, provides necessary information, seeks to the maximum extent
  possible full coordination and integration of technical cooperation
  programs, and endeavors to make effective use of the resources and
  cooperates with other countries in the exchange of technical knowl-
  edge and skills. 6. A direction to the President to establish an advisory
  board "broadly representative of voluntary agencies and other groups
  interested in the program, including business, labor, agriculture, public
  health and education." 7. An authorization .,for the establishment
  joint commissions for economic development with countries requesting
  such commissions, which among other things may examine the coun-
  try's requirements for technical cooperation, its potential resources and
  policies which will encourage its development. 8. A requirement that
  programs be terminated upon concurrent resolution of both Houses of
  Congress and where the President determines that they no longer con-
  tribute effectively to the purposes of the Act, are declared by the
  General Assembly of the United Nations to be unnecessary or undesir-
  able or are not consistent with the foreign policy of the United States.
  9. An authorization to the President to delegate his authority to the
  Secretary of State or to any other United States official and directs
him to appoint, subject to Senate confirmation, an administrator at a
salary not exceeding $15,000 per annum for the-program. 10. Authority
for making contracts and hiring personnel subject to Federal Bureau
of Investigation investigation.
  4. ,Hearings were held before the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee commenoing March 30, 1950, at which time the Secretary of