stances as they prevail today. Before releasing the communiqu6, and
annex thereto, w~ith suitable condensation, as agreeable, he ,would
welcome arrangements with the United States Government on the
above-mentioned points.

Me~morandumi of Conversation, by Mr. Lucius D. Battle, Special
                 Assistant to the Secretary of State

TOP SECRET                        [NEW YORK,'] September 26, 1950.
Participants: Mr. Acheson
               Mr. Bevin
               Mr. Barclay 2
               Mr. Battle
   Mr. Bevin asked Mr. Acheson about developments in the field of
 atomic energy with particular reference to continuance of the dis-
 cussions which were held in the past between the United States and
 the British in this field. Mr. Acheson said that he thought some
 progress was being made and that he had recently obtained an ex-
 pression from the Department of Defense and the Atomic Energy
 Comnission in favor of resuming the discussions. Mr. Acheson said
 that he thought it was important to handle this as quietly as possible.
 He recommended against the British sending over anyone for the
 discussions who: was as well known as Sir Roger Makins whose
 presence attracted some comment and attention. Mr. Acheson said
 that he would be in touch with Sir Oliver Franks on this field.

   'Acheson and Bevin were chairmen of .their respective delegations to the
 Session of the United Nations General Assembly which convened in New York
 on September 19.
   2 IL E. Barclay, private secretary to Mr. Bevin.

 Department of State Atomic Energy Files
 Memorandum     of Conversation, by Mr. Lucius D. Battle, Special
                  Assistant to the Secretary of State

  TOP SECRET                       [NE-v YORKi,] September 28, 1950.
  Participants: M. Paul van Zeeland, Foreign Minister of Belgium'
                Ambassador Silvercruys
                Secretary Acheson
                Lucius D. Battle

    1Chairman of the Belgian Delegation to the General Assembly.