its allies represent a great danger to the security of the United States,
and the period of greatest danger is directly before us.

2. Our most urgent need is a rapid build-up of U.S. mihtary
strength. An interim program to be initiated immediately should be
to attain by June 1952 the force targets previously fixed for June
1954. Furthermore, these force targets should be kept under review to —
determine if they are sufficient to (@) protect us against disaster, and |
(6) support our foreign policy.

3. The programs and estimates of their cost are tentative. ‘They
indicate the magnitude of the effort, but they must be brought into
balance and kept adjusted to changing situations by a process of con-_
tinuous review. The present estimates represent for our economy an
effort about half-way between “business as usual” and a really large-
scale dedication of our enormous economic resources to the > defense |
of our freedom.

4, The essential requirement is united and vigorous national action —
now to transform our potential strength into strength in being. Ap-
proval and immediate and continuous implementation of the present
report and its annexes will give us a start on this task.


S/S-NSC Files ; Lot 63D351: NSC 68 Series
Report to the President by the National Security C ouncil

TOP SECRET | | Wasutneron, December 14, 1950.
NSC 68/4


References: A. NSC 68 Series |
B. NSC Action No. 393 4
C. Memo for NSC from Executive Secretary, same sub-
ject, dated December 13, and three memos dated
December 14, 1950 ?

At their 75th Meeting, with the President presiding, the National
Security Council, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of
Commerce, the Economic Cooperation Administrator, the Director,

2 The substance of Action No. 393, taken by the National Security Council at
its 75th Meeting, December 14, is contained in the present note by Executive
Secretary Lay.

?The reference memoranda include the documents described in points “a.”
and “bd.” below, neither printed. Also under reference are Secretary Marshall’s
memorandum to President Truman, December 14, p. 474, and Executive Secre-
tary Lay’s memorandum of December 14, not printed, circulating the Marshall
communication to the members of the NSC and the other participants in the
preparation of the NSC 68 series.