Editorial Note
   On May 1, 1950, Secretary of State Acheson discussed the world
situation in executive session before the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee; for the record of his testimony, see Reviews of the
World Situation, 1949-1950: Hearings Held in Executive Session Be-
fore the Comnmittee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate (81st
Cong., 1st and 2nd sessions), pages 285-312.

Policy Planning Staff Piles
Memorandum     of Conversation, by the Executive Secretary of the
                  National Security Council (Lay)

TOP SECRET                                WASHINGTON, May 2, 1950.
Memorandum     for:'  Mr. Nitze
                      General Burns
                      General Bradley
                      Mr. Lanphier'2
                      Mr. Haas 
                      Mr. Bissell 4
                      Mr. Schaub5
                      Mr. Dearborn06
                      Mr. Murphy 7
                      Mr. Montague,8
                      Mr. Voorhees9
Subject: First Meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee on NSC 68
  The Executive Secretary opened the meeting with the suggestion
that the forthcoming discussion follow generally along the lines of
his memorandum to the Ad Hoc Committee of April '28, 1950. This
being generally agreed, the first item of discussion was the question
of timing and the possibility that some departments would seek
additional appropriations for their programs at the current session of
Congress. From   this discussion, it emerged that State at least was
  'The individuals listed below participated in the meeting.
  2Thomas G. Lanphier, Jr., Special Assistant to the Chairman of the National
Security Resources Board.
  'George C. Haas, Director of 'the Technieal Staff, Treasury Department.
  MRichardM. Bissell, Jr., Assistant Administrator for Program, Economic
operation Administration.
  5 William F. Schaub, Deputy Chief of the Division of Estimates, Bureau
the Budget.
  "Hamilton Q. Dearborn, representative of the Council of Economic'Advisers.
  "Charles S. Murphy, Special Counsel to the President.
  oRepresentative-of the Central Intelligence Agency.
  Tracy S. Voorhees, Under Secretary of the Army.
