For the Ambassador
  Having in mind forthcoming interpellation in Parliament, Dept
urges you stress to Van Zeeland that points of substance contained
draft communique represent in our view a substantial beginning,
beyond commitments under 9a, and is maximum US able to do at this
time. Exact wording of course subject to 'agreed changes. US is pre-
pared examine most sympathetically question of additional assistance
as future developments may warrant. Passage of time may very well
make this possible. Last paragraph of communique designed to fore-
shadow this possibility. You may, if you deem desirable, mention as
example the possibility-not yet actuality-of declassifying design of
standard low power research reactor of a type in which the Belgians
have indicated an interest.
   You may wish suggest Van Zeeland Dept would look with favor his
coming to Washington in order to sign communique with Secretary
of State and British Ambassador.
  We consider our proposals contained (a) thru (f) above plus sug-
gestion for liaison genuine help to Belgium. The proposed assistance
is within limits set by the Atomic Energy Act of 1946. Recent Fuchs
matter has brought about indefinite suspension of US-UK-Canadian
talks, thus ruling out for some months at least prospect for amend-
ment of the Act from that quarter. In our judgment, any attempt to
deal with this matter legislatively at this juncture would in all prob-
ability prejudice any prospect of relaxation of provisions of Act.
Re para 2 urtel 239 Feb 16,a if Van Zeeland persists in accepting
evaluation from quarters other than duly constituted American and
British authorities in this field chances of coming to any meeting of
minds most unlikely.
   In handing him my personal message, you are authorized to tell
Van Zeeland orally that if he finds the joint communique acceptable
in substance, he can expect our full support on the following:
   1. From the moment future developments or any changes in the
Atomic Energy Act of 1946 occur which may make possible further
assistance along the lines proposed by Belgium, the United States
will give most sympathetic consideration to her wishes.
   2. 'Once Belgium has been able'to define the program she wishes to
undertake (explanations given us thus far are quite nebulous) on the
basis of the assistance indicated above, the United States is prepared
to give sympathetic consideration to making suitable financial con-
tribution toward the support of Belgian activity in this field. The

  3In paragraph 2 of telegram 239 from Brussels, February 16, not printed,
  Ambassador Murphy reported that Foreign Minister Van Zeeland had expressed
  the belief that commercial development of atomic energy was farther advanced
  than the United States and the United Kingdom had indicated to Belgium.
  Zeeland based this opinion on information which he attributed to ".unimpeach-
able sources outside of Belgium." (80-5A.2546/2-1650)