ATOMIC ENERGY                       545

previously given by Foreign Minister,3 that pending conclusion defi-
nite renewal on terms mutually satisfactory of secret agreement of
1945,4 stipulations of original agreement would continue in force. I
then said that recent proposal for legislation to impose embargo on
export all fissionable materials from Brazil with concomitant
irresponsible attacks on Brazil's agreement with US, had caused us
concern and that my government would greatly appreciate his sup-
port to our endeavors to secure firm renewal our agreement, on terms
mutually satisfactory to the two governments. I also spoke of genuine
importance we attach to being able continue to receive Brazil's ex-
portable surplus of monazite.
  President said he understood situation and likewise disapproved
discussions in Congress and press re agreement. He said he had sent
Ambassador Cyro de Freitas Valle, Under Secretary Foreign Office,
with message to Mr. Cirilo Junior, President Chamber Deputies, dis-
approving proposal which has been made discuss projected embargo
legislation and secret agreement in secret session chamber. He has
informed President Chamber he does not desire subject to be discussed
at secret session. I nmentioned information Dr. Fernandes had given
me of proposed legislation prepared in SC 5 designed to set up govern-
ment monopoly fissionable materials with SC as controlling agency.
President nodded his affirmation this information and was good
enough to say he would do what he could to expedite whole matter to
conclusion. President agreed with me I should continue conversations
with Foreign Minister Fernandes and Under Secretary Freitas Valle.
I left with President very brief memorandum reading as follows:
  "The US desires to continue to avail itself of the privilege of
acquiring Brazil's entire exportable surplus of raw monazite, on terms
to be mutually agreed on. Should thorium, or compounds of thorium,
become available in excess of Brazil's own requirements, the. US also
desires to be accorded the privilege of acquiring all such thorium
and compounds thereof on agreed terms. Motives involving the highest
long .ýrange objectives of both countries impel the US to desire that
the' Government of Brazil will continue confine the export of monazite,
thorium, and thorium compounds exclusively to consignees mutually
satisfactory to Brazil and the U.S." 6

  Dr. Raul Fernandes.
  'Reference is to the Memorandum of Agreement between the Governments of
Brazil and the United States with respect to the control of monazite sands
other carriers of thorium and thorium compounds, signed in Rio de Janeiro,
July 6, 1945; for text, see Foreign Relations, 1945, vol. ii, pp. 20-23.
  SThe Brazilian Security Council.
  61In a note of March 28, the Brazilian Foreign Office acknowledged the
of this memorandum. The text of the Brazilian reply is contained in telegram
373 from Rio de Janeiro, March 30, not printed. (832.254!6/3-3050)