By Invitation
            Adrian S. Fisher, Legal Adviser, State Department
            General Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
            Robert LeBaron, Deputy to Secretary of Defense on
              Atomic Energy Matters
            General Burns, Special Adviser to Secretary of Defense
              on Foreign Policy
            Gordon    Dean,    Commissioner,   Atomic    Energy
            Carroll L. Wilson, General Manager, Atomic Energy
            Joseph Volpe, Jr., General Counsel, Atomic Energy
            John A. Hall, Atomic Energy Commission
            R. Gordon Arneson
  SECRETARY ACHESON suggested that the meeting might first cover
specific points on which decisions were needed immediately and .that
the members might then discuss how best to proceed on some.of the
longer term matters.
                  I. RAW MATERIALS PROBLEMS
A. South Africain Negotiations.
  1. Policy guidance for conduct of negotiations for purchase ,-of
uranium. It was agreed that negotiations with South Africa should
continue to be carried on under the aegis of the CDA along the lines
of the Memorandum of Discussion setting forth the agreement reached
in Johannesburg in November 1949 between representatives of the
CDA and the South African Atomic Energy Board. In this con-
nection, MR. LEBARON suggested the desirability of a general review
of supply and requirement figures in the near future. it was agreed
that such a general review should be made and that the Department
of Defense and the Atomic Energy Commission would get together
subsequent to the meeting to formulate a course of action for this
  2. Intergovernmnental negotiations in the event South Africa re-
quests "a special position" by virtue of its potential importance
as a
supplier of uranium. It was agreed that the proposal set forth in
para 4 Of Tab A should -e adopted.

  2The Memorandum of Discussions, November 1949, an agreed basis for sub-
sequent negotiations regarding contractual arrangements, is not printed (Depart-
ment of State Atomic Energy Files).