Atomie Energy Commission (U.S.), 67-|
69, 79-80, 91, 111-114, 251, 296, 420, |
450, 498-500, 504, 5137, 514, 517-519,
524-525, 534-536, 588-540, 542, 546- |
549, 552, 558, 562, 563n, 569, 569-570, |

573-576, 578, 580-583, 585-587, 591- |

593, 5952, 596-597
Atomic weapons: Proposed prohibition
of, 2-5, 7, 10-11, 20n, 28-24, 29, 32,

34, 36-38, 41, 46, 61, 65, 69-70, 74, |

85-86, 88-89, ’92, 1030, 122-128, '267, |

508, 541 n, 561n; stockpiling of, 267—|

268, 4382, 450-452, 521-522, 573;
| utilization of, considerations re-

garding (see also Atomic weapons,
ete. under Korean war), 267-269, |

Attlee, Clement, 61, 89, 423, 430, 462, |
‘559-562, 591

Atwood, Rollin Salisbury, 859n

Austin, Warren R., 5n, 44-45, 81, 88-89, |
93, 107-108, 121-124, 898n

Australia (see also Country positions

under General agreement on tariffs |
and trade: Tariff negotiations .

at Geneva and under Tariff nego- =

tiations ... at Torquay) : Double
taxation convention with the United
States, proposed, 688-689;

garding, 876; trade restrictions,
 735~736, 788, 740n, 748n, 752-753,
756n, 765, 766n, TT1-TT2, T78-T79 ;

treaty of friendship, commerce, and

navigation with the United States, |
| U.S. military base}. |
rights, 399; U. 8. policy, 143-144, a

proposed, 685;

347, 472
Austria : Communist threat, B54: double

taxation convention with the United |

States, proposed, 688; general
agreement on tariffs and trade, ac-
cession to, 799; peace treaty or set-

- tlement, proposed, 129, 157, 209,
2IBn, 275, 854, 3675 Soviet oceupa-

‘tion forces, 34, 326 ; Soviet policy,
129, 147, 209, 260, 2730, 275, 3826,
333-334, 337-338, 354, 367, 380-381,
883-385, 389;

902; U.S. policy, | 336, 889
Azerbaijan, 383 |

Bahamas, 619 .
Bajpai, Sir Girja Shankar, 567-569 -
Balance-of-payments problems (see also

under General agreement on tariffs |
and trade), 285, 295, 809, 811-818,

824-825, 831-845
Balance-of-power concept, 167, 221, 280,
Baldwin, Charles Franklin, 776

inland | -
waters and marginal sea, policy re-|

trade restrictions, :
U.S. economic assistance, 408- |
409, 437, 441, 889-840; U.S. Internal |
Security Act of 1950, ‘effect of,. 900- :


Bao Dai, 131, 488
‘Barber, Willard F., 622n, 6238n,
633n, 636n, 856, 859
Barbour, Walworth, 103
Barclay, R. E., 578, 802
Barnard, Chester I., 90, 92, 190-193, 200,

‘Baroody, Jamil M., 116

‘Barrett, Edward W., 185, 210n, 225-226,
$23, 423-425

Baruch, Bernard M., 26n, 64, 1838-185,
192, 194

Batt, William L., 776

Battle, Lucius D., 22n, 101-102, 527-528,
802-803, 910

| Bayard, Thomas F., 885-886

| Bazykin, V. I., 911”

Beall, W. T. M., 803, 808

‘Beckett, Sir Eric, 878

Béhogne, Oscar, 494

Belgian Congo, 529, 533-534, 536, 543,

| BAT, 549, 552-5, 573, 577, 582, 590,

595-596, 742,

‘Belgium (see also Belgian interests and
position under Atomic energy, for-
eign policy aspects, etc. and Coun-

try positions wnder United Nations:
General Assembly : ‘Atomic energy,
international control of): African
dependent territories, UJS. techni-
eal assistance for, 867; general
agreement on tariffs and trade,
negotiations pertaining to, 715-716,

778, 790, 799; trade policy, 708;
trade restrictions, 696-697, 706, 711 ;

trade with the United Kingdom,
742; treaty of. friendship, com-
merce, and navigation with the
United States, negotiations con-
eerning, 684

Bell, Daniel W., 407

'Bellingshausen, Thaddeus, 912

‘Benelux countries, 616,684 —

Bennett, ‘Henry Garland, 874.

Bennett, William ‘Tapley, 859-861 |

Berg, Lev Semyonovich, 912n

‘Bergson, Abram, 479”,

‘Berlin: Communist threat, 354; German
Democratic Republic, threat from,
382, 387: Jessup—Malik conversa-
tions regarding lifting of blockade,
1949, 40; Soviet blockade, 51, 147,

836, 339, 367, 382-383, 389, 395; So-
viet policy, 209, 354, 368, 370, 384;

: U.S. poliey, 314, 336, 389, 465.

‘Bermuda, 619

‘Berry, James Lampton, 142

Bevin, Ernest, 63n, 371, 398, 527-528,

| “BRON, BSI, 559-562, 578, 802-803, 805

Bhabha, Homi Jehangir, 567

Bidault, Georges, 57-58, 559”

Bishop, Max W., 324, 327,

624n, 636n |

627 N,

373, 608n,


Bissell, Richard M., 297, 312, 3738, 778