oping atomic power on a substantial scale. If this is so, It is per-
haps difficult to improve on the provision incorporated in the United
Nations plan designed to give flexibility in this matter to the inter-
national control agency, as technical developments might warrant.
This provision is contained in Specific Proposal 12, Chapter 4, page
25 of the United Nations plan, which reads:
  "The international agency shall keep the production of nuclear fuel,
in a form suitable for ready conversion to use in atomic weapons, at
the minimum required for efficient operating procedures necessitated
by actual beneficial uses, including research and development. The
agency shall not be authorized to increase existing stocks of nuclear
fuel for any contemplated requirement, except where it is necessary
to produce nuclear fuel for use in facilities whose location, design,
construction and financing have been definitely decided by the agency
and the nation concerned."
   Early receipt of the Commission's view on the foregoing points
 would be helpful. The Fifth Regular Session of the General Assembly
 will be convened on September 19,1950.
   Sincerely yours,                                DEAN ACHESON

 10 Files: SD/A/C.1/336
        Position Paper Prepared in the Department of State

 SECRET                          [WVASHINGTON,] September 2, 1950.
                          THE PROBLEM
   What should be the position of the United States with regard to
 the iinternaitional control of atomic energy .
   1. The United States should not encourage substantive debate on
 this question in the General Assembly.
   2. If debate develops, the United States should take the following
   (a) Continue its suppor for international control by means of the.
 United Nations plan, while making it clear that any other ,proposals
 which would be equally or more worka ble and effective would receive
 our sympathetic consideration,
    (b) Support continuation of the forum of the Six Permanent Mem-
 bers (the Sponsoring Powers) of the United Nations Atomic Energy
 Commission as the only appropriate one for seeking a basis for agree-
 ment, and oppose resumption of negotiations 'in t.he United Nations
 ktomic Energy Commission itself.: