PREFACE .......                                                         

INTRODUCTORY NOTE . . . . . . .... ....................... . . ..       

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS . . . . ..      ................      

United States policy at the United Nations with respect to the regulation
    of armaments and collective security: the international control of
    atomic energy; regulation of conventional armaments; efforts to im-
    plement article 43 of the United Nations charter by placing armed
    forces at the disposal of the Security Council.... ...........     1
United States national security policy: estimates of threats to the national
     security; the extension of military assistance to foreign nations; the
     preparation of NSC 68, "United States Objectives And Programs For
     National Security"..............    ..........................126
Foreign policy aspects of United States development of atomic energy... 
United States policy regarding hemisphere defense, 1949-1950; provision
     of armaments and military assistance to the American republics, and
     their participation in the Korean conflict . . .. ............ . ..
Progress of the program for the modernization of the treaties of friendship,
     commerce, and navigation...................................681
Progress of the program for the negotiation of conventions for the avoidance
     of double taxation . . . . . .. ............................688
Matters relating to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT):
     I. The problem of quantitative restrictions on exports and imports .
   II. United States concern at the discriminatory aspects of exchange and
            import restrictions maintained by the Union of South Africa.
   III. Position of the United States regarding consultations on sterling
            area restrictions on dollar imports . . .. ............ . ..
   IV. Concern of the Department of State regarding the renewal by the
            Congress of the trade agreements act; the United States de-
            cision concerning the proposed International Trade Organiza-
            tion (ITO)o. .... . ...... . ........................*779
    V. United States preparations for the tariff negotiating conference
            convened at Torquay, England, September 28, 1950 ("the
            third round")........................................791
 Papers relating to aspects of the foreign financial policy of the United
     States. . . . . . ...... ............................o....         
 Efforts to develop a United States policy regarding the balance-of-pay-
     ments problem ("the dollar gap"); the Gordon Gray report to
     President on foreign economic policies. . . .. ............... ..831
 The Point Four program.......................                          