148            FOREIGN RELATIONS, 1950, VOLUME I
FMACC Files.
    Policy Paper Approved by the Foreign- Military Assistance
                     Coordinating Conmmittee.

CONFIDENTIAL                      [WASHINGTON,] February 13, 1950.
Subject:   Development of FY      19-51 Mutual Defense Assistance
     Program   (MDAP)
   1. The FY  1951 MDAP will be developed under the direction and
guidance of the FMACC in -accordance, with basic national policies
and such instructions as may be provided from time to time by the
Steering Committee. The recommended policies and programs de-
veloped thereunder will -be ýapproved as necessary by the Steering
Commit tee, the National Security Council and the President.
  2. In developing the, policies, programs and legislation for FY
1951 ;and in presenting them to the Budget Bureau fand Congress, the
FMACC will be assisted by ,the following subordinate working groups:
  A. Policy and Programming Working Group
  B. Legal and Legislative Working Group
  C. Budget and Fiscal Working Group
  Do Public Information Working Group
  These groups are to be constituted immediately and initial meeetings
should 'be -held a:t once. They 'will consist of one representative each
from the Department of State (chairman), the Departmenit of Defense
and the ECA. From time to itime, as appropriate, representatives of

  Lot 54D5, consolidated files of various departmental and interdepartmental
committees and working groups, including documentation of the Foreign Military
Assistance -Coordinating Committee and its predecessor, the Foreign Assistance
Correlation Committee.
  8The Foreign Military Assistance Coordinating Committee was the inter-
departmental organization which -provided operational direction and coordina-
tion for .the Mutual Defense Assistance Program. The Committee consisted
representatives of the Department of State (James Bruce, Chairman), the De-
partment of Defense -(Maj. Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer), and the Economic Co-
operation Administration (Edward: Dickinson). FMACC operated under 'he
general guidance of 'the Foreign Military Assistance Steering Committee com-
posed of the Secretary of State,ý the Secretary of Defense,: and the
tor of the Economic Cooperation Adminisgtration. The cabinet-level'Steering
mittee was intended 'to meet only in the event that basic policy problems
not be resolved by FMAUC.
  For information on -the Mutual Defense Assistance Program, including de-
scriptions of the organization of FMACC, see U.S. President, First Semi-Annual
Report to Congress on the Mutual Defense Assistance Program, October 6, 1949
to April 6, 1950 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1950), Second Semi-
Annual Report to Congress on tfhe Mutual Defense Assistance Program, April
to October 6, 1950 ,(Washington: Government Prin~ting Office, 1951), and
Semi-Annual Report to Congress on the Mutual Defense Assistance Program,
October 6, 1950 to March 31, 1.951 (Washingto~n: Government Printing Office,
1951). See also William Adams Brown, Jr., and Redvers Opie, American Foreign
Assistance (Washington: The Brookings Institu~tion, 1953), chapter xvii.