676             FOREIGN RELATI0NS, 1-9:5 0, -VOLUME I

would be favorable reaction to suggestion that %government consider
making military offer,-or to renewal previous discussions this subject,
this matter should be discussed with FonMin along-general lines out-
lined in Depciragram October 5, 4:"25 p. m.2 It should be pointed out
that, even if developments should make utilization of military units
for the Korean operation unnecessary, any constructive action toward
making a contribution to that operation will probably be helpful to
that government in determining the action it may wish to take in
implementation of the pertinent sections of Resolution A, Section C,
of the action taken by the UNGA under the general heading "Uniting
for Peace" (For text, see .Wireless Bulletin, No. 258, October 21).3
   In this connection, Embassy should bear in mind, however, that
conditions under which this government can furnish training and
equipment for the Korean operation, as outlined in reference Depcira-
gram, do not at present apply in respect of the longer-range program.'
Embassy should also note that UNGA Resolution as finally approved
recommends that member governments "maintain" units for possible

  2Not printed (795 B.5/10-550); in this airgram the Department had in part
instructed diplomatic officers in the American Republics to seek, for duty
the UN forces in Korea, military units of the types .0utlined in Secretary
son's letter to Secretary Acheson of September 12, 1950 (p. 649), on the
outlined in Secretary Acheson's letter to Secretary Marshall of September
(p. 655).
  4Not printed. For Resolution 377 (V) of the General Assembly, November
1950,' see United Nations, Official Records of the General As8sem.bly, Fifth
SupplementwNo. -20 (A/1775), 9pp. 10-12.
  'In the airgram mentioned in footnote 2 above, the DepaIrtment had said
regarding an inter-American force that '. . . the possibility that relatively
organized units offered-by LAtin American governments and accepted by the
Unified Command may be integrated into an inter-American force of national
units is also being considered. The Joint Chiefs of Staff have indicated
that they
would give sympathetic consideration to the organization and-employment of
a force provided the plan for this is worked out through the Inter-American
Defense Board. Since the primary problem-is to- obtain offers, it would appear
that the development of such a plan can be worked out most usefully when
tangible contributions are forthcoming.
  Even though, the development of an integrated Latin American military force
should prove to be unattainable in the period which may remain in the Korean
operation, it is believed that this concept should continue under careful
study in
order that there may be created a suitable plan for the possible utilization
such a force in United Nations or other international- action against aggression
which may be required in the future. In this connection it should be noted
an important part of the program for united action for peace, outlined by
U.S. to the General Assembly, is the recommendation that each U.N. member
designate a unit or units of its national armed forces -to be so trained
equipped that it could be made -available for prompt service upon determination
by the Security Council or recommendation by the General Assembly. If a resiolu-
oibn along these lines should actually be approved by UNGA, it is possible
action might be taken by the OAS, through its appropriate bodies, leading
to the
adoption by the states whichare members of the OAS-of a plan for the integra-
tion of units which they may designate into.an effective military inter-American
force against aggression. The Department will eontinue to explore this problem
with the Department of Defense in o-rder that if it seems appropriate, the
machinery will be utilized effectively inl the fUrtherance of useful planning.":'
(795B.5/10O-550) o.....                                   .   . ... .  ..