Randers observed that recent events such as Fuchs case and an-
nouncement of H-bomb have led smaller countries of Europe to believe
that little assistance can be expected from US in foreseeable future
for furthering their progress in atomic energy field. Interested sci-
entists, therefore, feel that pooling of knowledge and techniques is
only solution if Europe is to keep abreast of advances made by US
and USSR. Randers points out that integration of such endeavors
is fully in line with economic and military defense policies we have
been advocating for Western Europe. Randers also remarked that
to bring France into group might raise political or security objections
but expressed opinion there was nothing in France today that was not
already -known in Soviet Union. Latter, in fact, was doubtless well
ahead of anything yet developed by French who held lead among
European countries, therefore, risk was negligible.
  In advising me of above development, Randers undoubtedly hopes
that some early reaction may be forthcoming from US with regard
to original Norwegian requests.2 It would be helpful if some comment
negative or otherwise could be passed on to him at this stage since in
any event he and fellow technicians on Continent seem resolved to
pursue the path of progress by every possible means.
  Randers had extended conversations with Joliot-Curie who made
no secret of fact he was convinced Communist as well as anti-
American. Although French have concluded graphite lagreement with
Norway shipment has not yet been made. Dautry made vigorous
protest at terms proposed by Norwegians for heavy water deal (mytel
882, December 173) but Randers does not believe French would go
so far as to hold up graphite shipment to obtain better conditions.
  2 For information on an earlier Norwegian request for United States assistance
  in the field of atomic energy, see memorandum prepared for the American
  Members of the Combined Policy Committee, p. 558.
  3 Not printed.

  832.2546/3-2450: Telegram
    The Ambassador in Brazil (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

 TOP SECRET                 RIO DE JANEIRO, March 24, 1950-8 p. m.
   348. For Arneson Office Under Secretary. Mytel 328 March 22,
 8 p. m.1 When I saw President Dutra 2 this afternoon I found him
 familiar with subject matter and understanding of our point of view.
 I told him my government has been entirely satisfied with assurances
 'Not printed.
 General Eurico Gaspar Dutra, President of Brazil.