views, inferred.from Acheson statement that.US had written off UN,
would bandon negotiation and rey on militar-y powver. Lie, however,
after encouragement from USUN, reaoted February 10 with vigorous
"fight-talk" to correspondents. Eichelberger 4 of AAUN said, "Secre-
tary has closed door to negotiation and thrown the key away". Another
view expressed was that history of past efforts to reach agreement as
recited by Secretary was "dishonest"), in that it gave one-sided
and ignored cumulative and circular effect of our cold-war policy.
Some correspondents held US political and moral position partly re-
sponsible for deterioration of relations with US SR, and among NGO's
this feeling frequently heard. One NGO !reported view of veteran
audience here that over-all settlement with Russians necessary and
that Secretary's statement demoralizing in that it held out no 'hope
for future. Some NGO's expressed regret that Secretary had listed
Point Four among weapons in cold war, fearing context would dero-
gate fro:m its universal character in UN. Many urged that US
strengthen its positioii by dramatizing iitssApport of UN, e.g., by
having Secretary appear occasionally at SC.
  Among those in group three was best-intorme d American cor-
respondent on atomic energy control who believed new look at control
and new effort to negotiate essential on grounds that present attitude
clearly devoid of possibilities for progress toward control and created
public impres.ion Of inflexibility. He proposed having UN call meet-
ing of world scientists inquire whether technical developments have
altered control problem-at all. In any case felt some such action even
if not productive of solution to conhrol problem would help piblic
understand reasons for our insistence on international ownership in
a way which constant repetition of US position no longer could do. A
Church Peace Union representative just back from south reports
considerable worry over US failure to advance new proposals. United
World Federalist representative said his group may join with other
organizations to petition President to appoint citizens committee to
explore possible terms of over-all settlement of arms race.
  In fourth group following views representative: former Canadian
broadcaster now with Sepretariat, while believing US analysis correct,
thought would be wiser to wait for Russians to slain door, National
Peace Conference representative, while reluctantly accepting US
analysis-of, problem of negotiations, felt Secretary's statement too
,cold, failed take account of US emotional -need for some form 'of
affirmative actionT This group changedsubject of Pebruary meeting
from China to H-bomb beca-use of deep concernh.
  Pouche Moscow, London, Paris    .
  - Clark M. EeIhelberger, National Director American Association for the
United Nations.