Action should be immediately taken to fix responsibility in the
Department of State for the organization of the presentation to
Congress. Time is exceedingly short. The functions involved are de-
veloping figures on the size of the programs, drafting legislation,
developing justifications, presenting the programs to the Bureau of
the Budget, conducting preliminary discussions with Congressional
leaders and presenting testimony before Congressional committees.
  A number of areas in the Department are concerned. H, E, A and
LE are involved in all the programs. In addition EUR and SDMA
[S/MDA] are primarily concerned in Title I. TCA, NEA, ARA,
FE and UNA are concerned in the underdeveloped areas title. UNA
and FE are concerned in 'the Korean title. UNA and NEA are con-
cerned in the Palestine refugee title. It is suggested, therefore, that
a task force be established under the leadership of a designated per-
son or office for each title. These task forces would, of course, work
in full cooperation with other interested agencies and solicit their help
and support. It would seem desirable to place upon one official over-
all responsibility for coordinating the whole effort.

Policy Planning Staff Files
Memorandum    by the Special Assistant for Intelligence (Armstrong)
  to the Secretary of State and the Under Secretary of State ( Webb)

TOP SECRET                       [WASHINGTON,] November 17, 1950.
Subject: National Intelligence Estimate No. 3: Soviet Capabilities
     and Intentions.
   This national estimate isa condensation of the estimate prepared
 by the US and UK intelligence teams last month, with only two
 changes of substance. :These changes are additions (page 2, para. 10;
 page 23, para. 63, third and following sentences) based upon General
 Smith's statement to the NSC stemming from the Korean situation;'
 they embody no significant departure from the US-JUK estimate.
   It is the intention of General Smith, with the Intelligence Advisory
 Committee, to keep this estimate under continual review as well as to
 prepare particular estimates bearing on immediate situations, both
 general and local, which have a bearing on the over-all intentions and
                                          W. PARK ARuSTRONo, JR.

   For text of the statement under reference, presented by Walter Bedell
 Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, at-the 71st Meeting of the
 Security Council, November 9, see vol. vii, p. 1122.
