discussion had gone on for over a year, since President Truman's
  inaugural address on January 20, 1949).
    Somewhat later (November 21), the Department communicated to
  the Missions the draft of an instrument which had been formulated
  for the conclusion of agreements of technical assistance cooperation
  between this Government and other governments on a bilateral basis;
  earlier (October 10) the Department had transmitted to the Missions
  a statement regarding the negotiating principles underlying the draft.
    Following is the documentation described herein.

 800.00-TA/10-1050: Circular telegram
        The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic M11issions 1

 CONFIDENTIAL                  WASHINGTON, October 10,1950-.7 p. m.
   30. Fol info ,may assist you in current Polint IV negots. Dept pre-
 pared formalize arrangements under Act for Internatl Development
   1. A formal agreement.
   2. An exchange of notes.
   3. Memo of understanding signed by FonOff and An-b.
   These methods listed in order Dept's preference.
   To enable determinations required by Section 407(c) of Act, under-
 taking by other countries must inl :
   1. Assumption fair share of cost projects.
   2. Cooperation on info and publicity.
   3. Maximum effort coordination of all technical assistance programs
 within country.
   4. Endeavor make effective use of program.
   5. Cooperation with other countries in technical coop program.
 (This requirement may be satis by finding that coop of this nature
 exists based on agreements already made by country in connection UN
 agreements heretofore subscribed to.)
   The undertaking with the fon country must also incl termination
clause at the option of either country, say on 3 months' notice, and
must clearly limit US obligations to funds available as indicated from
time to time by Dept.
  A gen agreement inml foregoing pts, to which ref eld'be made at the
time specific projects are undertaken under Point IV, might simplify
procedures hereafter. However, suhc an agreement is notnecessary if

  'This telegram was sent to the Embassies in Addis Ababa, London, Paris,
Brussels, Lisbon, Rome, New Delhi, Karachi, Colombo. Kabul, Cairo, Jidda,
Baghdad, and Tel Aviv and to the Legations in Beirut, Damascus, Amman, and
     496A362i77   56