Philippines: China, People's Republic
    of, policy  of, 354; Communist
    threat, 354; guerrilla operations,
    402; inland waters and marginal
    sea, policy concerning, 881, 889-890,
    894; security and defense of, 356-
    357; situation in, 278, 314; Soviet
    policy, 356, 366; treaty of friend-
    ship, commerce, and    navigation
    with the United States, proposed,
    685-686; U.S. economic, military,
    and technical assistance, 212, 321-
    322, 346, 408, 411, 438, 440, 445-4469,
    470, 621, 814; U.S. Economic Sur-
    vey Mission (Bell Mission), 407 ;
    U.:S. military bases and facilities,
    440; U.S. military forces, augmen-
    tation of, 346; U.S. policy, 131, 137,
    259, 488
Pierce-Goulding, Maj. T. L. C., 17
Pike, Sumner T., 66, 79-80, 82-83, 528n,
    543, 546-547, 549-550, 560
Point Four program, 52. 132-134,9 138,
    165-166, 189, 225, 259, 278, 295, 407-
    408, 410-411, 448, 659n, 682-683,
    686, 781, 785, 788, 835, 846-874
Poland, 123, 209, 381-382, 743
Policy Committee on Immigration and
    Naturalization of the U.S. Depart-
    ment of State, 896-904
Policy Planning Staff of the U.S. De-
    partment of State, reports and
    recommendations of, 1-8, 10-12, 22-
    23, 142-143, 342, 392-393, 398n, 404-
    407, 432n, 462-466, 608-619
Popper, David H., 48, 80-81, 119
Portugal, 356, 543, 581-582, 685, 706,
    711, 867, 890
Potsdam Conference, 1945, 58
Pridham, K. R. C., 791
Program of trade liberalization, 437, 441
Pryce, Capt. Roland F., 324

Quirino, Elpidio, 300

Randers, Gunnar, 543-544, 558
Rasmussen, Gustav, 101-102
Raynor, G. Hayden, 48, 115, 118
Reciprocal trade agreements program,
Reconstruction  Finance  Corporation,
Research and Development Board, 450
Riddell, RL.G., 60, 100-101
Ridgway, Lt. Gen. Matthew, 669n, 671-
    672, 675n, 678-679
Riesco, German, 907
Robiliart, Herman, 495, 528n
Robinson, Howard A., 581
Rodriguez A., ýMario, 907-908, 917-919
Romania, 381
Romulo, Carlos P.. 5, 18, 80
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 495n, 547n
Roosevelt, Mrs. Franklin D., 50, 54-56,
    76, 88, 116

Ross, John C., 17, 19, 48, 68n, 81
Rowan, Sir Thomas Leslie, 759-760,
    762-764, 791
Rusk, Dean: American Republics, U.S.
    military assistance for, 624-625,
    626n; atomic energy, proposed in-
    ternational control of, 2n, 8-10, 60-
    61; Mutual Defense Assistance Pro-
    gram, 322; national security policy,
    138-139, 167-168, 202-203, 210n,
    314n, 478, 489; Point Four program,
Russell, Charles H., 17-21, 61n, 67-68
Russell, Francis H., 185-187
Ryckmans, Pierre, 595-596
Ryukyu Islands, 493

Saad, Ahmed Zaki, 758, 763, 773
Saltonstall, Leverett, 850
Sampson, Edith S., 88
Sargeant, Howland H., 138n
Sasscer, E. R., 697n
Satterthwaite, Joseph C.,. 874
Satterthwaite, Livingston L., 143-144,
Saudi Arabia, 116, 354, 399, 446, 866n,
    881-882, 890
Savage, Carlton, 142, 168, 190, 196, 200,
Sawyer, Charles, 400, 416n, 418n, 425,
    467, 474n, 789, 833
Scammon, Richard M., 142
Schaub, William F., 297-306, 312, 373
Schuman, Robert, 57, 63n, 371, 398, 550n,
    559n, 683
Schuman Plan, 437, 441
Schwartz. Harry H., 142, 160n, 168, 190,
    196, 200, 202n, 203
Schwinn, Walter K., 142
Scott, Maj. Gen. S. L., 677
Sengier, Edgiar E. B., 495-496, 573, 594,
Shann, K. C. 0.. 117-118
Shaw, B. T., 698n
Shell, Col. G. R. E., 324, 327
Shillock, John C., 859n
Shipkov. Michael, 192
Shone, Sir Terence, 61, 63
Shooshan, Harry M., 61, 67, 92-93
Shullaw, J. Harold, 592
Silvercruys, Baron, 497, 528n, 555, 577-
    579, 594
Simms, B. T., 698n
Smith, Arnold, 17-18
Smith, Robert J., 348n, 373
Smith, Walter Bedell, 4, 413, 463
Smith, Sir Wilson, 775
Smuts, Field Miarshal Jan Christiaan,
Smyth. Henry D., 190-195, 202, 528n
Snow, Conrad E., 896
Snyder. John W.. 203. 234-235, 331, 348,
    375, 390, 400-401, 416n, 418n, 425,
    466-467, 474n, 485, 819, 832-833
Somalia, 867