American Republics-Continued
   U.S. economic and technical assist-
       ance, 407, 411, 440, 443, 658-662,
       811-813, 860, 864
  U.S. military   assistance program,
      599-600, 603-605, 608, 611, 613-
      618, 620-625, 628-633, 636-637,
      639-640, 644-645, 647, 651-653,
      656-658, 667-668, 672-675
  U.S. policy, 134-135, 458, 606-607,
American Republics Act, 600
Anderson, Eugenie, 75-76
Antar~ctic: Argentine position, 917-919;
    British position, 908-909, 913-915,
    919; Chilean position, 907-909, 914,
    917-919; modus vivendi, proposed,
    905-909, 915, 917-919; Soviet posi-
    tion, 911-915, 917; tripartite dec-
    laration of Jan. 18, 1950, and Nov.
    18, 1949, extension of, 919; U.S. pol-
    icy, 905-919
Arab League, 866n
Arab states, 446, 866n
Argentina: Antarctic, policy toward,
    917-919; atomic energy, interest in
    foreign policy aspects of, 583; dou-
    ble taxation convention with the
    United States, proposed, 690; in-
    land waters and marginal sea, pol-
    icy concerning, 875, 883, 890; jet
    aircraft, purchase of, 637; Korean
    war, attitude toward, 645; treaty
    of friendship, commerce, and navi-
    gation with the United States, ne-
    gotiations concerning, 681, 685- U.S.
    economic policy, 663; U.S. military
    assistance, 652n, 653, 668n: West-
    ern Hemisphere defense role, 624n
Armstrong, W. Park, 138n, 210n, 413
Army, U.S. Department of the, 251, 292,
    443, 450, 599L-600, 640, 660n, 670, 814
Arneson, R. Gordon, 1-8, 14, 53n, 76-77,
    89, 91, 111-114, 138n, 168, 174, 176,
    180, 182, 190, 194, 196, 200, 203,9449-
    503, 513n, 528n, 543-544, 548-550,
    551n, 562-564, 571-575, 577n, 579,
    587-589, 591-596
Aruba, 634
Asia: Situation in, 345; Soviet policy,
    132, 144, 161, 246-247, 277, 333, 366,
    368; U.S. economic and financial
    aid, 811-813, 830; U.S. policy, 187,
    260-261, 314, 488
Atomic energy, foreign policy aspects
    of U.S. development of, 493-598:
  Argentine interests, .583
  Atomic energy items, control over ex-
      port to Soviet bloc of, 563, 581-
      582, 584-586, 597-598
  Belgian interests and position, 493-
      498, 528-538, 543, 549, 552-557,
      563, 573, 577-580, 582, 589-590,

Atomic energy, foreign policy aspects
     of U.S. development of-Continued
   Beryl, control over sale of, 546, 567-
       569, 583-584
   Brazilian interests and position, 498,
       544-546, 549, 553-554, 570, 583
   British interests and position, 499-
       503, 526. 537, 547, 549-555, 557-
       563, 566, 571-575, 578, 580-5829
       586, 588-589, 591-594, 595n, 596-
   Canadian interests and position, 495n,
       496, 499-503, 526, 537, 547, 549-
       551, 553, 571-575, 580-581, 589,
       592, 595n, 597
   Combined Development Agency, 495,
      542, 546, 548, 551, 553-554, 571,
      581-582, 588, 592, 593n, 594-596
   Combined Development Trust, 494n,
   Combined Policy Committee: Activi-
       ties of, 495n, 501n, 544n, 551-552,
       580-581, 587. 589, 592, 594; meet-
       ings of the U.S. members of, 548-
       5-58, 560, 572-575, 577n
   Exchange of information, questions
      regarding, 550, 557
   French interests and position, 497-
      498, 529, 543-544, 559, 563-565,
      569, 581-582, 585, 597
  Indian interests and position, 497-498,
      554, 567-570, 584
   Italian position, 563, 582
   Monazite sands, control over sales of,
      545-546, 549, 554, 583-584
  Netherlands interests and position,
      543, 563, 581-582
  Norwegian interests and position,
      497, 529, 543-544, 550, 558, 563,
  Plutonium production, 499, 574, 580-
  Portuguese interests and position,
      5-43, 581-582
  Swedish interests and position, 497,
      541, 543, 563, 581-582, 586
   Swiss interests and position, 543, 563,
      581-582, 585, 597
  Thorium supplies, 495n, 497-498, 502,
      545n, 583-584, 586
  Union of Siouth African interests and
      position, 496, 542-543, 546-548,
      551-552, 566-567, 571, 573, 587-
      589, 5-91-5.93
  Uranium, control over the sale of,
      493n, 494, 495n, 496,p498-499,9501-
      502, 529, 532-536, 541-543, 547-
      549, 551-553, 555, 558-589, 590n,
Atomic energy, international control of.
    See under United Nations: General
Atomic Energy Act ,of 1946, 500n, 537,
    554-555. 560