contributionwtoWorld peace. He stressed, however, that his underlying
purpose was to strengthen West's position vis-a-vis East by offering a
more positive constructive moral theme. He considered concentration
on theme of struggle against, Communism was too negative and that
world must have some higher aspiration. He believed that his idea, if
appropriately developed could furnish a powerful stimulus to peace
loving peoples of west and might even produce favorable effects on
peoples behind the Curtain. He emphasized that if USSR also ac-
cepted, his plan would give greater advantage to West than to USSR
since latter presumably is fully informed on atomic and other develop-
ments:in West while we know very little what is taking place behind
the Curtain. He was concerned lest Embassy and Department might
not understand spirit in which he had offered suggestion and he was
most apprehensive as to possible adverse repercussions on peoples of
West should US dismiss or reject his proposal. He believed US had
opportunity to make dramatic gesture which could electrify world.
   Mrs. Roosevelt had long discussion Sunday with Bohr. She con-
 sidered his proposals have some merit and plans to discuss same With
 President and Secretary after her arrival in US.
   Embassy is of opinion that Bohr is intensely desirous of making
 some contribution' to relieving tension between East and West; that
 this desire stems, not only from his own humanitarian instincts and
 devotion to Western democracies, but also as most Danes believe, from
 a keen sense of his own responsibility for present impasse as result of
 his contributions to development of atomic bomb.

 Department of State Atomic Energy Files
 Memoracndum of Conversation, by Mr. R. Gordon Arneson, Special
           Assistant to the Under Secretary of State (Webb)

  CONFIDENTIAL                        [WASHINGTON,] June 26, 1950.
  Subject: Open Letter to the United Nations from Professor Niels
      Bohr dated June 9,1950.
  Participants: John D. Hickerson, Assistant Secretary of State for
                  United Nations Affairs
                Mr. Henrik deKauffmann, Ambassador of Denmark
                Benjamin M. Hulley, BNA
                R. Gordon Arneson, U/A
    The Danish Ambassador called at his request to set forth the views
  of the Danish Government on the open letter which Professor Niels
  Bohr had addressed to the United Nations on June 9,1950. These views
  are reflected in the attached aide-mnmoire which Ambassador deKauff-
  mann left with the Department.