    354, 356, 366, 383, 397; trade poli-
    cies, 133; U.S. economic and finan-
    cial assistance, 443-444, 811, 840;
    U.S. policy, 130, 165, 259, 314, 366,
    383, 444, 488, 584
Jebb, Sir Gladwyn, 81n
Jessup, Philip C., 40, 60-61, 100-101,
    210n, 323-326, 330n, 341, 348n, 349,
    370-371, 373, 39-2-393, 401, 402n,
    421-423, 590-591, 850n
Johnson, "Col. Hugh C., 324
Johnson, Herschel V., 544-546, 549, 554
Johnson, Louis A.:
  American Republics, U.S. military as-
      sistance for, 599-600, 623n, 651-
  Atomic energy, foreign policy aspects
      of U.S. development of, 494n, 499,
      500n, 542-543, 546-547, 549-550,
      552, 560, 570,'572-573, 575, 576n
  Caribbean area, defense of, 619-620
  Inter-American   military collabora-
      tion, 601-602, 605, 640n, 651
  Korean ,war, 346, 353, 649-G651, 664-
      665, 676n
  Mutual Defense Assistance Program,
  National emergency, proclamation of,
  National Security Council, operations
      and organization of, 348
  National security policy, 141-142, 183,
      202-206, 210-211, 214, 234, 236,
      293-294, 351, 357, 403, 41,9, 424,
      466, 468, 570, 575
  Resignation as Secretary of Defense,
  Taiwan, U.S. palicy toward, 382n
  Thermonuclear weapons, U.(S. devel-
      opment of, 503, 504n, 511-513,
      .517, 538-539, 541-542
  U.S. and Allied war objectives in
      event of global war, 390
  U.S. military bases in foreign terri-
      tory, 398-399
  U.S. State Department, liaison *be-
      tween the U.S. Defense Depart-
      ment and the, 341
Joint Chiefs of Staff:
  American Republics, U.S. military as-
      sistance for, 608, 616-617
  Atomic energy, foreign policy aspects
      of U.S. development of, 575
  Atomic energy, proposed international
    control of, 11-12, 507
  Atomic weapons, 573
  Caribbean area, defense of, 619-620
  Inter-Americanz Defense Board, 602,
      670, 679
  Korean war, 326, 328, 331, 341-342,
      421, 643n, 649-651, 664-665, 66,9,
      671, 676n
  Military bases and base rights in for-
      eian territories. g98

Joint Chiefs of Staff--Continued
  .Mutual Defense Assistance Program,
  National security policy, 143, 195, 249,
      292, 295, 313, 375-376, 416-419,
      424, 460, 464, 468, 474-477, 491
  Taiwan, U.S. policy toward, 382n
  Thermonuclear weapons, U.S. devel-
      opment of, 503-511, 538-539
  U.S. and Allied war objectives in
      event of global war, 390-392
Joint Strategic 'Survey lCommittee, 342
Joliot-Curie, Freddric, 497, 541, 544, 559,
Jooste, G.P., 566-567, 571, 588, 592-593,
    727-728, 732
Jordan, 866n
Juin, Gen. Alphonse, 565
Jukes, J.A., 796
Junior, Cirilo, 545
Justice, U.S. Department of, 897, 899,

Kashmir dispute between India and
    Pakistan, 136-137
Katz, Milton, 778
Kee, John, 847-848
Kendall, E.A., 915-916
Kennan, George F., 1, 2n, 3n', 4n, 8, 9n,
    13, 15-169 22-44, 127-138, 160-167,
    210n, 324-330, 358, 361-367, 512,
Keyserling, Leon H, 234-235, 311, 373-
    374, 400, 416n, 418n, 425-431, 836-
Kinmen (Quemoy) Island, 335
Kirk, Alan G., 292-293, 367-369, 481-
    484, 559
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of,
    Soviet policy toward, 147, 340, 584
Korea, Republic of: GATT, proposed
    accession to, 799; guerrilla opera-
    tions, 402; inland waters and mar-
    ginal sea, policy concerning, 890;
    security and defense of, 356; U.S.
    assistance, 130, 259, 407-408, 410-
    411, 413, 444-445, 8814, 839--840;
    U.S. military assistance, 212, 321-
    322, 433, 438-439, 621
Korean war:
  American Republics, proposed partici-
      pation of (see also under individ-
      ual countries), 599, C42-651, 655-
      656, 664, 666, 669, 671-679
  Anglo-American      political-military
      conversations, 349, 401
  Atomic weapons, question regarding
      possibility of U.S. utilization of,
      115-116, 122, 328, 423, 590
  Attlec&-Truman discussions, Washing-
      ton, Dec. 4-8, 1950, 423, 430, 462-
      463, 591
  British policy, 349-3551, t62-463, 769
  Cease-fire proposals. 462

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