cusses in more detail the case of the defector from :totalitarian party
ranks who is now opposed to the principles of such party.
  3. Section 22 2. At end change period to comma and add the words
"or, in accordance with Section 11 of the Headquarters Site Agree-
ment with the United Nations as a nonimmigrant under 'Section 3 (3)
of the Immigration Act of 1924, as amended." This change imple-
ments Section 11 of the I-Jeadquarters Site Agreement between U.S.
and U.N. which permits the entry into the U.S. of correspondents,
NGO representatives, and invitees from any country on an equal
basis provided that they come here on legitimate business.
  4. Section 22 4 (a). Change to read: "Any alien who was at the
time of entering the United States or who after entering the United
States shall be found to be excludable under any provision of this Act
shall, upon the warrant of the Attorney General, be taken into custody
and deported in the-manner provided in the Immigration Act of
February 5, 1917, or other applicable statute. The provisions of this
section shall be applicable to the classes of aliens mentioned in this
Act, irrespective of the time of their entry into the United States."
  This change will clarify the language of the Act while serving the
same purpose intended by the original provisions.
  5. Section 22 6 (0). Add after (2) a new provision (3) reading
"6 (c) (3). The provisions of Section 1 (2) shall not be applicable
accredited officials of foreign governments recognized by the United
States, members of their family, attendants, servants and employees,
passing in transit through the United States."
. This change remedies an inadvertence in the Act, which failed to
grant transit privileges to diplomats traveling through, but not stop-
ping off in the United States. This is necessary in reciprocity for the
same privilege granted U.S. diplomatic representatives in other
  6. Section 22 6(c) (2). Insert words "or their" after word "his"
the last line.
  This cures a mistaken omission from the final draft of the Act of
words which had been used in earlier drafts.
  7. Amend the Act by inserting in Sec. 3 a new sub-paragraph read-
ing as follows:
      "(16) The term 'totalitarian party' means. an organization
    which advocates the establishment of 'totalitarianism' or .'totali-
    tarian dictatorship' in the United States."
  8. Renumber paragraphs (16) (17) and (18)-of Sec. 3 to (17)
(18) and (19) respectively.
  9. Amend sub-paragraph (19) of Sec. 3 to read as follows:
      "(20) -'Advocating the economic and governmental doctrines
    of any other form of totalitarianism' means advocating the es-
    tablishment of totalitarianism (other than world Communism)
    in the United States."
  The PIN Committee recommends:
  1. Departmental approval and sponsorship      of the proposed