3. a. A Director for International Security and Assistance Affairs*
will be appointed in the Department of State. He shall occupy the
senior position authorized by Section 406(e) of the Mutual Defense
Assistance Act of 1949 as amended.
   b. The Director for International Security and Assistance Affairs,
on behalf of the Secretary of State, shall represent and speak for the
Department of State on matters of policy and program relating to the
North Atlantic Treaty, other similar international programs, and
military and economic assistance for mutual defense. He shall be
responsible for coordinating all activities within the department re-
lated thereto. He shall have the authority, responsibility, and staff
necessary to assure that he can speak positively and expeditiously on
behalf of the Department of State.
   c. In addition, the Director for International Security and Assist-
ance Affairs, on behalf of the Secretary of State, shall be responsible
for providing continuing leadership in the interdepartmental coordi-
nation of policy and program with respect to the North Atlantic
Treaty, other similar international programs, and military and eco-
nomic assistance for mutual defense. In performing this function on
behalf of the Secretary of State, the Director for International
Security and Assistance Affairs will be exercising responsibility for
the Government as a whole.
   4. a. There shall be appointed an Assistant to the Secretary of
 Defense for International Security Affairs. He should occupy one
 of the three positions, other than the senior position, authorized by
 Section 406(e) of the Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949 as
   b. The Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for International
 Security Affairs shall have the same responsibility and authority
 within the Department of Defense as is provided in paragraph 3.b.,
 for the Director for International Security and Assistance Affairs
 with respect to the Department of State.
   5. The Economic Cooperation Administrator and the Secretary of
 the Treasury shall each designate an official who shall have the. same
 authority and responsibility with respect to his agency as is pro-
 vided in paragraph 3.b., for the Director for International Security
 and Assistance Affairs with respect to the Department of State.

   *Jn a covering memorandum transmitting this approved paper to the Director
 of the Bureau of the Budget on this same date, the President suggested the
 deletion of the words "and Assistance" from the title of the Director.
 in the sonrce text. A Departmentt of State press release of January 4, 1951,
 announced the establishment of the position of Director, International Security
 Affairs and the appointment of Thomas D. Cab!oit to serve in that capacity.
 text, see Department of State Bulletin, January 22, 1951, pp. 15,5-156.]