388            FOREIGN RELATIONS, 19 5 0, VOLUME I

  d. Concurrently recognize the increased strain on the fabric of woricL
peace arising from a further act of aggression following on the Korean
  39. Formosa. Specific actions to be taken in general accordance
with paragraph 38: In the event of a Chinese Communist attack on
Formosa or the Pescadores, the United States should repel the assault
in accordance with existing directives but should not permit itself
to become engaged in a general war with Communist China. In any
event, U.S. ground forces should not be committed on Formosa. In
the event the Chinese Communists succeed in defeating the Chinese
Nationalist forces, the United States, bearing in mind its desire to
avoid general war with Communist China, should review the situation
to determine its further action and to decide whether to cease all
military operations against the Chinese Communists.
  40. Korea. Specific actions to be taken in general accordance with
paragraph 38:
  a. In the event that North Korean forces, alone or plus such re-
inforcements as may covertly be brought into action, are powerful
enough to compel the withdrawal of UN forces in Korea, the South
Korean Government should be Qvacuated from the Korean mainland
and established at an appropriate place in the area, if practicable.
  b. In the event of the overt use of organized Chinese Communist
forces in Korea:
      "(1) The United States should not permit itself to become
    engaged in a general war with Communist China.
       (2) As long as action by UN military forces now committed or
    planuned for commitment in Korea offers a reasonable chance of
    successful resistance, such action should be continued and extended
    to include authority to take appropriate airand naval laction out-
    side Korea against Communist China. The latter action should be
    continued pending a review of P.S. military commitments in the
    light of conditions then existing to determine further U.S. courses
    of action."
  41. Other Far Eastern Areas. Specific actions to be taken in gen-
eral accordance with paragraph 38:
   a. In the event of Chinese communist aggression against Chinese
inshore islands, Tibet, or Macao, the United States should take political
action but would not expect to take military action.
   b. If such aggression were directed against Burma, the United
States acting through the British, should accelerate its assistance to
that government and endeavor to induce states in the neighborhood
of Burma to commit ground forces to resist the aggression.
   e. If such aggression were directed against Hong Kong the United
States should consider furnishing relief assistance to the British and
such military assistance as may be appropriate in the light of our own
military commitments and capabilities at that time.