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Procedural | eR
The Trade Agreements Act—Its Possibilities and Its
Performance (July 17, 1950, rev. Aug. 8, 1950) —

_ Public relations

Restrictive Trade Practices in relation to the Dollar
Gap “Campaign” (March 28, 1950)

Maintaining United States Prosperity while Closing
the Dollar Gap (April 24, 1950)
Memorandum on “Post-ERP Prospects and Aid Pro-
grams” (June 19, 1950) |

Factors. in the International Petroleum Situation
(July 17, 1950) OO |

Political and Strategic interests of the United States

in the Foreign Oil Production of United States Com-

panies (August 2, 1950)

Unaccounted for | |

‘The Dollar Sterling Oil Problem (July 28, 1950) _
- Participating Countries’ Oil Balarice of Payments

After ERP (August 14, 1950)

DDG D-9/5:
DDG D-10:

DDG D-10/1:
DDG D-10/2:

respect to the Sterling Area (July 31, 1950) _
DDG D-10/3: |

DDG D-11:
DDG D-12:

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DDG D-14:
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DDG D-18/1:
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DDG D-19: |

DDG D-20:

Petroleum Imports and Exports (Dept. of Interior)
The UK and the Sterling Area—Summary of Post-
War Economic Developments (July 17, 1950)
Unaccounted for = oe |
Economic and Political Objectives of the U.S. with
The Long-Term Economic Outlook for the United
Kingdom (July 21,1950)

The Need for Expansion in the Program of Stock-
piling by the United States (July 17, 1950)
The Effect on Imports of the Manufacturing Clause

_of the United States Copyright Law (July 18, 1950,

rev. Aug. 14) |

Shipping Policy and Foreign Dollar Earnings (no
ate) - a :

>: Summary of Proposed Department Comments on
.. Dollar Gap Shipping Paper (July 18,1950) >

Non-Tariff Barriers to Government Procurement of
Imported Commodities (July 19, 1950)

Reform of Customs Procedure (August 15, 1950)

Unaccounted for | Oo

U.S. Agricultural Policy under Dollar Gap (July 31,
1950) | | - oe .

Factors Affecting Imports of Agricultural Products

into the United States (August 2, 1950)

The Desirability of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad
(July 28,1950)

Foreign Attitudes toward U.S. Private Investment
(July 28, 1950) |

The Restoration of Currency Convertibility (August

_%,1950,revised Aug. 11) =. ee
‘Population Pressure in Monsoon Asia, OIR Report

#5290 (July 26, 1950).