and if from amidst a well-grown plantation whose shadows, as
a fore-ground, would give greater brilliancy to the sun-shine
upon its surface, the effect woul(l be additionally striking.
This road, for a certain distance, will lead toward both house
and offices; but as the stable or farm yard should be at some
distance in the rear, at a convenient point, a second road should
brancl off to them, less in width, and so differing from the
sweep of the main road that its purpose shall be unquestionable;
and this should be sufficiently distant from the house to prevent
the gravel in its vicinity from being disturbed by the traffic to
fi e offices.
If these points are attended to, and advantage taken of the
localities that are about it, the approach will be well disposed;
but it must be remembered that its object, and those of diverg-
illg roads, shouldl be intelligibly clear. All labyrinths are offensive
when the mind is not prepared for a puzzle: an exercise with
which the discreet and the wise are most willing to dispense;
and as servants and persons whose business leads them to the
domestic offices are numerous, and not being generally well
qualified to solve problematic difficulties, the avenues to them
hoiuld be clearly demonstrated.
