complete seclusion from the park is obtained by a boundary of
evergreen shrubs overhung by the most ornamental trees, and
varied for the purpose of embellishments, by colour, by blossom
and leafage. The lawn is disposed in flower-beds, and from its
situation is capable of affording shady or sunny walks at every
hour of the day.
Against the wall which separates the lawn from the kitchen
garden, a corridor and conservatory is placed, and in connection
with it an aviary and pheasantry. This corridor being en-
tered from the vestibule, it would lead the spectator forward
to a considerable length, and until he would arrive at the
rosiary. Along this extensive line of covered way, statues, vases,
plants, and other embellishments of art and nature might be
placed to advantage, and receive the protection of ample shelter.
The rosiary at the extremity of the avenue is circular, and
contains in the centre a fountain, and receptacles for gold and
silver fish. As this little garden is formed upon the projecting
point of the hill on which the house is placed, it commands views
of the surrounding country, and towards the south, that of the
home grounds, in which the water becomes a leading fea-
ture. It is in these selected spots in the neighbourhood of the
house that evergreen shrubs are chiefly placed, and about which
walks are planned for the purpose of being benefited by verdure
in all seasons of the year. By these means, buildings and works
of art are embellished and connected with landscape scenery-
and, being mixed with trees of the deciduous kinds, they may be
made gradually to- yield their compact and deep-toned effects,
and insensibly unite with the park arrangements.
The walks about the house are disposed both for variety of
sceue, and to obtain warmth or coolness as the season or the day
