January 30, 1909.

Upwards of One Hundred Rental Bureaus Already Enrolled Under Martin Beck Says Moving Picture Houses Are Not Cutting in on
the Patents Co. Banner.                   Vaudeville Business to Great Extent.


The following hulltilt has beeln issued
lby tlt. lotioll pitre I Ptents Company:
"January 22 1909.
"t eExhibitors of Moving Pictures:
"Motion Picture Patents Company.
"Tle Motion Ficture Ptents Company
INis tacltuild the Edison, Biograph, Armat
utnl \'liiagiph patents, whinch patents, we
iir- ussuired by counsel, cover all modern
muoviiig ticture filis and all existing com-
mrc11ial types of projecting machines. The
luti-nits Comupaly las lic,-sed the follow-
ing ttnitufacturers and importers whose
It-s-nt output is 18 reels per week:
"Amelilan Mutoscope & Biograph Com-
1lii, h-dison l \otiufncturing  Company.
1]ssiiiiy Filmti Atttitftn-turing Co., Kalem
I'omipany, George Kleine, Lubin Manufac-
tiring Co., Pathen Freres, Selig Polyscope
(o_ Vitagraph Company of America.
'All mIioving picture films not manufac-
tired or imported by the above licensees
are infringemeints of our patents, and any
-xvfiiitge or thieaiter hantdling stuch in-
fiiintg tilis, is liablelto suit forinjuln-
lioun itid damages.
Tie leaditg manufacturers and impor-
ltrs01 ioJectitignixtchiiiti(hav'ealso been
ltut'i'st- il ltcr our pattents, atidtheir ma-
l    bl e 111t sold li-ucafter stbjt,j-to the
Itittoti tint they shalt be ttsed only
xxitli liicuised film. A list of the mann-
Iiititne15 of licetised machines xwiii be
thliti upiotn request.
"Licensed Exchanges.
The followAzi exchanges have been Ii-
u--ised, id at the preseet time are the
titly exchanges tixit are authorized to
miide licensed film:
Actogrp Co. Nexw York City.
Au-togratit Co. 1Toy, N. Y.
Aanio Fi Emxchage, Dallas,iTex.
Alamo FilniExch.i SatiAntonio, Tex.
Atmeican Film Exchange, Pittsburg, Pa.
American Film Service, Chicago, 111.
Aici~Citt Filxervice, Memphis,T enn.
Attxeticitt Vitog1111 Cot.,NoxvYork.
G(-iei eBreck, San Francisco, Cal.
Buf'li" Filt Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y.
CA.Cailihuff, Phxiladelphia, Pa.
1 elinl-iltlExchange, Chiago, Ill.
11,11-tilue &co., Chicago, 1ii.
ting-tiei(line,, StltiLake City, Utah.
('ititie FlmiExchatnge, LWtsAngeles,Cail.
Colorido Flm Ext-l. Co., Denver, Colo.
Columbia Fili Exchange, Pittsburg, Pa.
O. T. Crawford Film Ex. Co., St. L.otuis,
0. T. Crawford Film Ex. Co., El Paso,
O. T. Crawford Filim Ex. Co., Louisville.
O. T. Crawford Film Ex. Co., New Or-
leans, La.
Harry Davis, Pittsburg. Pa.
H11rry Davis, Buffalo, N. Y.
Hiiy Davis, Philadelphia, Pa.
Dinver Film Exchange, Denver, Colo.
Dixie Film Co., New Orleans, La.
Duquesne Aniusement Supply Co., Pitts-
hurg Pa.
Duiusno Am. Sup. Co., Norfolk, Va.
Edison Display Co., Seattle. Wash.
Edison Display Co., Portland, Ore.
Electric Theater Sup. Co., Philadelphia.
Greater N. . Film Rental Co., N. York.
C. .1. Hit1e Co., Chicago.
Hxoward Moving Piet. Co., Boston, Mass.
Imperi Iitta Exctatge, Nex York.
Imperial Film EIehange, Washington,
D. C.
Imported Film & Supply Co., New Or-
leitlis, L.
Keit FtIt  Service Toledo, 0.
Kliine Optical Co.. Bircingliam, Ala.
Kleino Optical Co., Boston, Mass.
Kleine Optical Co., Chicago. Ill.
Kleine Optical Co.. Denver, Colo.
Kleine Optical Co., Des Moines, Ia.
Kl1i-Ie Optical Co.. Indianapolis, Ind.
Kleine Optical Co. of California, Los
An meles, Cal.
KlIine Optical Co.. New Yotk. N. Y.
Klein Optical Co.. Seattle. Ivash.
Klei-e  Optical Co. of Missouri, St.
Touis. Mo.
Ioke Shore Film & Supply Co., Cleve-
tittt] 0.
if. Lieber Co., Indianapolis, Ind.
Till Filt tSe-sice.P ilepia, Pa.
1-IiinFlliii Serxvice. Norfolk, Va.
Lubin Filim Service. Cincinnati, 0.
.Michigan Film  & Supply Co., Detroit,
Miles Bros., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Miles Bros., Inc., Boston, Mass.
MIles Bros., Inc., San Francisco, Cal.
Mitchell Film Exchxatige, Little Rock,
Monarch   Film   Exchang,. Oklahoma
City. Okla.
I'itti   -ilim Exiange. Butte,Mont.
itnu1 Flmii'xiiiitge. Portlanid, Ore.
Mullin Film Service. tVatertown, N. Y.
Nationi Fit Co., Detroit. Mich.
Natinni  Film  Renting Co, Spokane,
Novelty Moving Picture Co., San Fran-
cisco Cal.
Ohio Film Exchange. Columbus, .
Paifie Cncst Film Co., San Francisco,
Peace & Scheek. Baltimore, Md.
1tnn'iusyvnii Film Exchange, Pittsburg,
iopl's Film Exchange, New York City.

Phidlphia Film  Exchange, Philadel-
phia, Pa.
Fittsburg Calcium  Light & Film   Co.,
Pittsburg, Pa.
Pitts. Cal. Lt. & F. Co., Wilkesbarre, Pa.
Pitts. Cal. Lt. & F. Co, Rochester, N Y.
Pitts. Cal. Lt. & F. Co., Cincinnati, 0.
hitts. Cal. Lt. & F. Co., Des Moines, Ia.
Pitts. Cal. Lt. & F. Co, Lincoln, Neb.
Schiller Film Exchange, Chicago, Ill.
Southern Film Exch., Birmingham, Ala.
Southern Film Exch., Cincinnati, 0.
Geo. K. Spoor & Co., Chicago. Ill.
Standard Film Exchange, Chiago.
Superior Film Supply Co., Toledo, 0.
Swa b Film Service Co., Philadelphia.
W~in. I-T . Swnson &Co., Clxit-tigo.
in. 11. SansonCo.of Omaha, Omaha,
Vim. II. Swanson St. Louis Film Co..
St. Louis, Mo.
The Talking Mach. Co., Rochester, N. Y.
Tally's Filin Exchange, Los Angeles, Cal.
Theater Film Supp. Co., Charlotte, N. C.
TheitrFil mSup. Co., Birmingham, Ala.
Theater Filmn Service Co., Chxicagou.
Theater Film Service Co., San Francis-
to. Cal.
Trent & Wilson, Salt Lake City, Utah.
20th Cettury Optiso Co., Chicago.
20th Centtuiry Oixtiscope Co., Kansas
City. K.n.
20thCeantry OptiscopeCo., Ogden,Utah.
Ttrier &liuuhiken, SancFrancisco, Cal.
Twin City Calcitum & Stereopticonc CO.;
Alit'iticauolis, Mdinn.
T-eiteuFli   ExhaCge, Clevelas, 0.
1'. S. FiltmtExchange, ChIgo, Ill.
YalFdette Fihm  Exchange Co.. Grand
Riapidls. Mich.
P.sL. Waters, Nex York City.
Afred aeiss' FilmExe., New York
Western FihtnExchi., St. Louis,MAo.
"WeAternFihm Exfm., Milwaikee, Wit.
Western Film Exeh., Joplin,.Mo.
Wt\onderland Filn Exeh., Pittsburg, Pa.
Wh cela it-Loper Film Co., Dalhas, Tex.
Yale Film Renxtitig Co., Kansas Clity,
Mo .
r The Patents Company has by hts
licenses to the most important nantufc-
ters of moving  picture films and  ia-
chises li the  bilcd, nid to tue leading
lensts exbutrgest provided, for sucinex-
hllIttu's usbecomae itshicenxsees. thelhigh-
cot thiS of service xith the largest and
test seection of suhibjects, anit  aeinio
hitst ite proision for the eliination of
xworn-out-and objectionuable film.
'A usplicationsfrom Exhibitors..
'For Theaters Now Open.
"Exer  exhibiter aboixd is fuis may e
apihiN' onl the en-closed bilank before Feti.
1, 1909, fora license. It is the policyof
thiscompany to e liberalii issuig these
licetises,  t for the good of thebusiness
fore to coserve the literests ofthe bet-
ten class oflice exhxibitors, it may be nec-
esary to efusesome applications
"ForNew Theaters.
"The Patentsefmp atn Ciprotect the-
itersareadye stablishedaas far asmay be
possible, and it siii issue licntses toonly
stuch nev places of exhibitio   as obtain
thentprovalofte Patents Company be-
fre they are detbihed. The Patents
Company    aill approveonly such locations
as in its opinion a-illotupport new houses
anid meet apubhic demnand.
"Terms of License.
"ri     the eriofthePatents Compa Mcto
exhibitors covers the theater, or place of
exhiitio, ant is issued on the following
"(1) Atthe "lace licensed, only motion
picunes ily i lbesed xhich are manufac-
tired orimpotedby the licensees of the
Patents Company and .nted from a li-
"(2) The cxhiibitor shall pay a weekly
royalty to te deterined  y the Patents
Company, gaded acco 8dto thereative
ise iess of eachu of thetlicensed theaters.
For to eperiod fromFebruary I  toMarch
S. 1909, this royalty shall o  $10 ($2 per
'week) b ii, which sum  must accompany each
aperication. Sheould a license berefused,
thu feeaccomp cyingthi applicationwi
"(3) The lic       esse shall be at all times
romineutlydisplayedin the place of ex-
hibitioti of the licensee and together with
the machinesh    use    i aaysopen to in-
spetionby the Patents Company.
"In order that thetheatersuiiay befully
assured that the PatenitsCompany has no
desire to act arbitrarily or oppressively, it
sketouid lie stated thuat the royalty to be
collected aftcr Marcht S. 1909, from the
ave-ageo exibitotr will be as nearly as
piracticabile $2 per week, and that in the
case of the smiallest theaters, the royalty
a-ill tie less. We feel confident that the
ro alies paidby exhibitoroxviii be insig-
iiificanttincomiarisonit thie increase Ii
thxeir businxess.xwhi-h xiviit estultfrom the
co-operalti of tie various licetisees of
this comxilsle.
"Projecting Machines.
''The exuiitonst icenseccovers.aln-ua-
psuireciasedl hitfore Fet. 1. 1909.
xN0ttich th e cxiitor u~ses in the place Ii-
eiusecl. Theexilhitor may not tine any



II ~
lt --


Butte, Mont., Jan. 2=.
Martin J. Beck, P. .. Casey, the booking
agent, and Mark A. Luescher, the Or-
lieui superintendent of publicity. stop-
ped off here for a few hours last Thurs-
dac on their wav to the coast. They are
making a thorotugh tour of inspection of
Olrpheucm properties ii the xwest and south.
Though ir. Luescher announced that the
management of the big vaudeville circuit
Was satisfled with the volume of business
its houses aie doing, and does not think
the film theatets are cutting in to any
Caroline Pullman Gets a Lawyer When
Closed at Burlington, Ia., Recently.
Burlington, Ta., Jan. 23.
Cm' o  tlin  Pullman, a  vaudville per-
fitni-n lilt-c  sutil  i  Sutire ln-eke's
courut Tiedxy, t  te 1 i. airst IMnager
Jack Root of the Garuick thiter, claim-
lug, $35l sahii' for 0oc w-cek's; services.
iss P'iullm   n e het flt appearance
athI-lie Ci   on Mtiniav ufleteon the
10th. Itarngem Rciot s-it iii time audience
itndideitlethait the Nounugxwomanxxould
ilit fillthlue biull. I'ohlointtg the petform-
anice TMr. Root tifotnei ut'lis Pullman
that her act did not go, but lmiss Pullman
lialked at a cancellation of her contract,
hli-' udeteu'utuiatiomi finl]h\ i-stingman the
slit filed  I her attoney,  I. Wilon.
The conract bc'tsveex  Mana~ger Root
axi tixe peufcuter itihate    e tntitmight
hue canxceilcl aithocut nxotice for incompe-
tenccy, dunkenuness f.1ihe to appeal'and
several other reasons. The mafager is
hound by a clause ho pay thue performcer
tiie-sevnl  of tiie i-k's sala , rifter
the first appearance auxi before the sec-
ond performance.    MAonager Root ten-
dered this to Miss Pullman, but she re-
fused to accept it. The case was settled
finalhy before comimig to trial. Mainager
Root paying ene-sox'enth of the w-eekc's
s~ihacv a11t  hi cots of Itxe suith.-BONI-
Benefit Netted $2,100.
San Francisco. Jan. 25.)
The beniefit gixen  by  the Theatrical
Managers for the Italian sufferers at the
Clin Noss thetcr ntted about n,101. All
th, thleatrs iarticipat~e. WILSON.

William i;. Pimenau wos arrest-i it Ie reports improv'-  husine-ss in imaly
Itaenport. Iowa,. Jan. 1i; on the char-ge sections.
of bigamy.                               Enima Salvatore is winning  'inw very
Bird  Millman, the  eighteen-year-old flattering notices for ber excellnt work
wire walker with   the  Millman  Trio, in vaudevillo in suport of her hisland.
sprained her ankle at St. Paul recently.  Thomas Reynolds. Mliss Salvator hn1s re-
The Australian Tree Fellers are cred- cently been admitted to ieimlership in
ited with a big hit at the Orpheumn in St. the Actors' Society.
Paul last week.                          Though Percy G. Williams (1liiied to
Nella Bergen wxill begin 1her vaudeville comment on the subject, a realt tmnsfer
tour at Poll's in New IHaven next Mon- in Brooklyn indicates a further ix,]nsion
day nlight,                             of lis ciretilt. He hos bought :i 1,1,t Of
Billv Beard. formierly principal come- land which tould sake an Ida 1  tito
diaii of George Primrose's Minstrels, is for a theater.
now in vaudeville and sends a card froni  Bradlee Martin. in his sketch. Jessie
Columbia. S. C. lack aiid Terry. eiieouiitered ltwo hutz
Barry Scanon has severed his connec- zards idi Portland. nMaite-olie   k te
tion wxith the Bijou Dream at Kalamazoo, weather and another of approval. Mr
Mich., and H-arry Grull is now the man- Martin is preparing a new one- t play.
ager.                                  lin which lie is to appear as n  , rimaiin
John   . W. Byrne. who is "tint a liar, Jew of the Ghetto.
just a story teller." is at th  Majestic at  larry Lauder opens at the Tincoln
Charleston, S. C., this week and goes to Square theater in N(-xw Yoik n51 MOn-
the Orpheum  at Savannah, Ga., next day night and will remain at tti house
week.                                   until Feb. 19, sailing for Tondon Feb. 20
John C. Rice and Sally Cohen, Ezra  Ie tioes not pIan a return to this coun-
Kendall and Joe Welsh have recently try, but it is almost certain that offers
gone over the Morris circuit. Mr. Ken- will be made him which will be xx i te'pt-
dall is said to have requested the Morris in that lie will come again.
press bureau to be careful in the selec-  Phe Thompson Sisters, who were with
tion of adjectives to describe him.     the Artr Deig act. 1sTe Wild anti
Thex'audeville penfornierstiled to ap- Wooly '"est, when it xvas giveni a tial1
pear at Pantages theater in Sacramento, performance recently at the Olymi in
Cal., list week ivee delayed until Men- Chicago, have decided to go outt ast
day by the floods and Matiager Ely had team instead of wvaiting for that act1I0
to arrange a moxig picture show for open. TpThey xxill te at the Fxnity Ill
Stinday on short notice. Davenport the first half of nexl weii
Robert Rogers and Louise Macintosh    and at the Family in Rock Tsl;1 the
have a new sketch. The Green    Mouse, litter half of the week.
which is xwithout an oath, without a dou-  The Zancigs who are doing a tilhatll-
tie meaning  joke. without quarreing, ic act offer $1,000 reward to anv gent
without nistaken identity and with no  maniager or anyone concernedi who will
miothxer-in-law in it. producec two persons that will do0 thte
George TV. Englebraith. the Cincinnati sane act under similar conditions. The
park and theater manager. has returned  claim that neither confederates nor me-
from an extensive trip looking over the chnnism is used and that they  in5 trans-
western and northern vaudeville circuits. mit 200 messages in 1S inutes, i'ide
_____________________________________ forfeit of $100. The Zancipgs lixi heenl
tested I leading members of th, societi
machine purchased after Feb. 1, 1909, un- of Psychological Research.
less the official license plate of the Pat-  Mine. Reno and her company a1e in
cuts Company is attached to the head of Texas and write that business is splen-
the maethine.                           did. The roster: M\Ime. Reno, Express Of
"Motion Picture Patents Company,     Magic, Herrman &    Reno. boxers anl
10 Fifth Avenue. New York.   dancers: Mile. Auline, rolling globe artist:
In addition to the exchanges above list- La Petite Ruth, song and dance: Art
ed, several others have signed the agree- ITfumie;ton, musiln moke and impr0on-
toent, including the T  iittle Filin Serv- ator: Third Rail Ed. the 0ietriil Won-
ice. which were received too late by the der. and Billy Rote, flexible ecuililarist.
Motion Picture Patents Co. to te incor- Arthur ITerrnan is business mianager of
jiorated in this list.                  the company.

extent, Mr. Beck expects shotilh Ater
htis itr to New Yoik to open thenew
film main Ilant, and says that tie ins
to take views of each tonI in lwhicih an
Orpieum  playhouse is lecated and scnd
each filmi around the entirl circuit. Mr.
Beck received a telegram from New Yolk
Thursday, repeating a cablegrani flion
Berlin saying tha his negotiations were
ahout closed ,in the German capitol for
the establishment of an   Americl style
music hall, the first of the sort. Mr. Hlt-eil
and partv left Tlhursdauy evenitg for the
D. J. Grauman Says He Will Represent
the District West of Omaha for
Vaudeville Order.
San Francisco, Tan. 21.
D.f . Grtimin xillt rpeslet the 'hite
ftis Ii thti city and Iii -ill ttx-- 1--iiiory
this side of Omialha, where hIs i  ani
stperusion coa a pepaea  This  otti  of
tilt  ti1lit coris evervetmg fro  teis
eoast to   i'mti trot nth ida to the
titgf. -itt Ini ima e e ts to go  ast
I obout   thirtx dx'  to pWeISfO  the
'arngimc'tts andc U11,1  Isl. ri1--Iuilcillii
tt'eti ii1 offc ill tItuS citx antd lout the
wheel'i goiCgh
Thitsfat  a prelibotios for tln - J en-.
Ig of the Frisco office lhne thi- horied
t   ti great o-hroc, biut soie B t  the
facto leaked oAtt at a Ianoeti   iere
ir. Graum on stoles that  lp  thes a
tent year contract and wilt  Il. ivry-
thihgai       t is powet'to proiote o intlIes
of ie-WhiteRats i the I,-rritori  led
to hini.- WILSON.
Robbed in Chicago.
Fibt-ioi liin. J-m.'C,
Chorles Frosto (OtlsotiI. xxiise 11,11"e is
Ii this city, xxas hield tip atid totutu,iin
Chxicago alutitixox Nvts agi. Mrt Fio515
Is 110w  ;it  th li  St.  tukte's  hiosiial Ill (hit
i-ago, anld althioughi setiout'.' hit i ' oil
the road to rocoycux -CAMPB1I
Attractions Improved.
Btttte. Mf,i'm   25
Stixax & Considine -ite impioxiti the
quality,\_of attractionxsat the Family. wilk
the testuit that tililiess ts colistinits In-