January 30, 1909,

Mortimer Ssox w illolen asto kat t
Ax'e'nute in Wiiiigtcru, DelI., Fei. 1.
Tise Fiars       bDi givea dinnir in honor
of Eugene, Walters, Fe-b, 6.
Ire i1era e Fare 1heater   in  New
Yis-I tx-ill reopen Feb. 15.
Checkers closed at Brooklyn last Sat-
urday night.
The Mitteniats will revive The Million-
aire's Revcnge for a 12 weeks' tour.
Pilly Sundaiy is booked at Marshall-
town, lawnt, some trime in March.
Cariic Nation was egged from the stage
at Canterbury near London, Monday night.
The Academsy of Music at Durham, N.
C., was destroyed by fire Jan. 17.
The New   toland theater at Marion,
Ill., has been offered for sale.
The Fighting Pason did nearly $400 at
Madison, Tiis., last Sunday.
Stage employes of thse Fairbanks thea-
ter in  Springfield, Ohio, -gave a ball
Jan. 26.
E. E. Clark has given up the manage-
nent of the thenter at Ierrin, Ill., and
is succeeded by Till and Little.
Grace Noble attiched the Four Hunt-
ings company for back salary at Spring-
field. Ill.
Will Travis recently organized a com-
pany at Lincoln, Nob., to play The Poor
Mr. Rich.
Pessle Clifford wtas hurt at Duluth,
Minn., by the explosion of a chafing dish
at an  after temater party.
Mace Greerseaf will succeed Robert
Warwick as leading iman of the Valencia
Stock company. Sin Francisco. on Feb. 8.
The Star theater in Elgin. Ill., has gone
back to moving pictures while repairs are
being made on the stage and dressing
Th iveekofeJan. 18xnsaxvery profit-
ableorsefor New Yorkthseater managers,
die in a large mensure to the automobile
W. S. Clevlmnd xrites that his Prir-
dential Vaudeville Exchange is growing
raslily and states that he will supply
186 parks and fairs wvith acts this summer.
Arthur S. Fishell Iss resigned as assist-
ant treasurer of the Garrick in St. Loius
to accept the position of treasurer of the
Colonial at Clevland.
Held b the Enemy was presented at
Osklloosn, Towa. Tan. 26, by local talent,
and Otto Henkel, an advance agent. who
witnessed r1e perforinanc, is said  to
have pronoiince-d it very good.
The Fanil theater at Glovrsville. N.
Y.. Isas inrrese-d its prices froms 10 to
15 en"ts to 15sisd "cents. hlsich mins
better vaudeville, according to the man-
Se-dc -rown has retireT from to stage
direction of the Valcin  theater. San
Francisco, and gone to Tos Angeles. H-iS
position has bcen taken by Darrell Stand-
Thrn is no truth in the rurnor that
Prof. Roberts, the irmsind rat msan. had
conmmitted sicile. He is in a hosnital at
St. Panl and will 1e able to resione his
xardeville dates wyithini a few w-ks.
Snrah Marion retire from The Fighting
Parson after the porforimance Feb. 6. on
aceolnit of ill hsnaths She is toi e starred
isext season in Pinks, the Pinkerton
Girl,. on the Stair & TTalin circuit. and
wcants to Isave a long re-st before
A isewt tlsesier is  TI-irrthisgon, 'Pa.,
opened Jsn. 20  -il  Ynn. Tise  sest
seats wero  2.50 onch. Tt is a rnmind
floor theater erectcd b tlse P. 0. . of A.
It has been years since that town had a
Ths Vairnghn-Gmnsor stock conipany will
open an engagement at thieRussell thea-
ter at Ottawa. Cnii., Febl. 15. The eni-
isaac'syillticpin Ottaw lbro wtreeks. goirsa
froin there to  1trfssn. Toronto. Cleveland
and Toledo for    week each and then to
Detrolt for 12 weks.
Dewitt C. Wohbor. the resident mana-
ger of the Msjestie- theater. forierly tse,
Enstire at Colorado Springs. Colo., is a
prominent attotornev of Denver. burt who,
for the Tiast seven yars. ias acted as
gerserel oinscl nii traffricmnage~r of the
Sells-Floto shsos. Frank Tnimon his
partner, is tse lOrothir of TTnrrv Tam-
mepn of fip Detsve-r Post, acd stas the
manager stiths the   Sells-Flotn  circis.
Thos. .T. Myers. formser  speinal  story
s'riter for the Sells-Floto shows is look-
in after the newspnner nuihlicity for the
Majestic and Harrx Moore, Inst season's
treasuirer for the Denver circus, is the
treasurer of the house.
Urbana, Ill., Jan. 25.
Mayor S. W. Love has clapped the lid
do1r tight on burlesque"Pinch 'P o next
membcer of arsv buirlesqiue whio makes a
saughsty cr--." wis the edict issued by
Urbaa's muniicipal iels after the appear-
ance of four shoss of thsis class within
two months. Thsreeo0fthsese pcrformances
were given by the same company under
different nanes, cach time to a packed
honse. WThen the fourth show was billed
devotees becarme suspicions of another re-
peater and made complaint.-REA.
Aubrey Yates and    Emerin   Campbell
were omirried at Dersver. At the supper
following the ceremony A. C. Carson,
oanager of the Orplieum; Signora Virgin-
iaGuerrini. Signora Emmrsa Cavallieri, Dr.
and Mrs. Francis Prowitt and Frederick
Norhsr1111p wor- prcseist



Max Webler, one of the proprietors of
the Columbus and AlilUIabra theaters, this
city, denies emphatically that there is
any likelihood that either one of these two
houses were likely to charinge their present
policy. The denial was brought forth by
stories which have been printed in various
amusement papers during the past few
Mr. TVeber said: "These stories which
refer to the changing of policy in our
houses are absolutely unfounded. There
is not the least chance of the Alhambra
or the Columbus changing their present
policy. The report which gained current
last week to the effect that the Alhambra
would became a part of the Eastern
Wihedl burlesque is ridiculous. No pro-
posal Isis been made to urs and it is not
at all likely that we would consider a
proposition if it were made. We are
being booked by Stair and Havin, which
reminds me that the stories regarding
their 'shifting tire entire circuit into pic-
tures' and the like are laughable. Stair
and Hain own three houses and the rest
of their circuit comprises houses with
which they merely 1save a booking ar-
rangerment. If they want to shift their
policy of the circuit they cannot do so
without consulting the owners and manas-
gers of the houses in their circuit. I
would also like to deny the story that

poleon of the southern theatrical field, de-
veloped  plunging  propensities  as his
wealth increased and his interests ex-
panded, he mnight now be enjoying pres-
tige and affluence instead of fighting
creditors in the courts of half a dozen
He built summer parks in     Atlanta,
Birmingham, Richmond   and   elsewhere.
He backed road companies, he took on
business deals with Stair and 1-avlin,
Charles E. Blaney, Otis Harlin, John W.
Dunne and others,. He built penny ar-
cades, he returned to baseball ventures.
He had many irons in the fire.
The former baseball player became a
power it the amusement purveying busi-
Then  suddenly he fell upon evil days.
His summer park ventures collapsed. His
road companies lost money. The penny
arcades lost favor with the public. The
dividends of the Leath Theatrical com-
pany and the Wells Amusement company
began todwideiatutlesamretime,. The
Wells 13ijourcircurit suffered reverses The
Hotel Allen, which lie had opened in part-
nership here with Steve Allen was an-
othser hosing venture,
Creditors besieged him on every side.
Judgments for debt, amounting to about
$20,000 in the Richmond courts alone, be-
gan to accumulate against him. They
are still accumulating isre and in other
states. The extent of the liabilities of
Mr. Wells is unknown, but he is heavily
involved. With his holdings in the Bijou
circuit hypothecated and his stock in the
Leath company, the first class circuit, re-
verted to the company by the failure of
Mr. Wells to meet his notes, ie has no
visible assets in Virginia. Judgments ob-
taied in the Alabama courts against him
and transferred to the Virrinia courts for

either one of our Chicago houses woro
ever known as 'first money' tollss, 'Nh-re
the producer had to give up $500. Also,
you may state that the houses are making
satisfactory money."
Olympic Policy May Change.
The future policy of the Olympic thea-
ter, Chicago, will be governed by the sue-
cess with which the present musical skit
meets. The handing of this part of the
irogram entails considerable work upon
Manager J. J. Murdock, and unless he de-
cides that its popularity warrants the con-
tinuation of same, ie will eliminate this
from the bill.
Miss Stella Maury will leave the corn-
Dany for a few days, departing for Now
York this week, where she will undergo a
slight operation. Her place in the cast
will be taken by Miss Ada Morrison, who
is now playing the part of the cashier,
Manager J. J. Murdock has signed
Cathryn Rowe Palmer for a year to ap-
pear either in musical comedies or vaude-
ville either at the Olympic or such thea-
ter as ie may designate.
It is said that Minnie Seligman will
probabTy appear at the Majestic theater,
Chicago, nsext week.
Alice Tloyd will play Western Vaude-
ville Managers' Association time com-
m   -encing her engagement February 8.

coleetion indicate that lie has no visible
missts irsany state,
T irrenason forImis retirement from the
Leath company therefore is obvious The
company directors felt that it was inju-
dicious to carry him longer, his credit be-
ing exhausted.
Tihe successorf fJake Welos as gen-
eral msanager of the Leaths Co. has isot
been chosen. The office will probably go
to Charles NV. Rex, formerly general man-
ager of the circuit and whom Mr. Wells
succeeded when he acquired holdings in
timecompany, Mr. Rex is noy irSeattle
handling a number of exposition conces-
sions. IHe will not return east until the
close of the Seattle show. The election
of a general manager for the Leath con-
pany will be probably deferred until late
in the spring. W. Greanor Neal, one of
the largest holders in the comsipany, is
temporarily acting as generaI manager of
the circuit.-GOLDEN.
Jake Wells at Evansville.
Evansville, Ind., Jan. 26.
Jake Wells, owner of the W'ells Bijou
and Orpheum spent Sunday in the city
and twlas more than pleased wtith the re-
sults of his resident manager, Charles
Epidemic Among Blaney Managers.
New York, Jan. 27.
There seems to be a regular epidemic
among thre Blmnsey manaigers.   Phiipss,
ahed oftTurner in the Governor anditie
Boss, is down with consumption and has
been sent to Denver by the Friars, who
bought a canp for himli there. Will Vill-
folk, brother of Blaney's wife, is just re-
covering from an illness which confined
him two weeks in a hospital. He has just
left Hot Springs to rejoin his company.
Whitbeck, ahead of Spooner, is down with
pneumonia at a Chattanooga hospital. In
fact, the one live an of the bunch seems
to be Max Farbish, who is now in Chi-
cago, watching out for the interests of a
Blainey show, which is pInying a city ci-

arN i-.  (s to thi n  wo t  atrInt sea-
5-rI next week.
Tiheate-r ticket scalpers and their coil
f-derates won a vi-tory b efore the ju-
diciary committe of thecity Council this
week when the ordinrnceetopreventsealp-
ing was placed on file.
Rev. A. C. Mellenry, a pastor of the
People's church, 115 Oakley boul-vard,
will make his stage debut next Monday
as Anthony in Before and After at the
People's theater.
Melville B. Raymond is back in Chi-
cago and is making preparations t o put
out a rural musical comedy with the title,
A Country Maid.
Qucenie Quineau, formerly   willh the
vaudeville act, Only a Dream, wil l was
seen over the eastern circuits, and who
came to Chicago recently to rehearse with
A Tramp's Christmas Eve, in whici sh
was to appear with Walter F     Prke
Harry Taylor and Harry Morri- foui
herself unable to open on the -i-cuit,
owing to her voice being in bad   usslition
While she was laying off she la aine a
demonstrator at the Electric Shur and is
being pronounced the most bei   "'1;l girl
connected with tile display. An anony-
mous message reached her the other day
to the effect that the male attendantsat
the show have passed resolutions praising
her beauty of face and figure.
Caln & Mach, a theatrical firm thait has
been operating in San Franci -. has
transferred its headquarters to < reago,
and is making arrangements t, 5 nd out
on the road twelve companie- t, play
musical cornedyand melodrama  Tot finr
n ow  has on hand fourteen i      their
titles being: The Isle of Nip 'mThe
Jolly Vassar Girls, Brownie ill T 'land
The Pupil and the Gay Musiciii oney
mooners in Happyland, A Jolly V   lding
The Royal Comic Opera Sin.i     lRoin
Hood Merrymakters, The Wolf at Door,
Tie Giil and the Governor,, 0    n \lage
Minister, The Saleslady, The T. 1,t lee
Messenger, and The Girl Det-
The National theater, Edwn   flords
new house, had a particularl hi week
Jan. 18-23 and a showmnan with i  i posi-
tion to Inow what the variou i :-aters
are doing thinks that the Nttm il had
more money in the house last iw s k than
some of the theaters in the loop
There were three acts helI ol  r thi
week at the American Music hli It will
the exception of Maude Odell, in t weeks
bill  will be  entirely  new.  It  wi  i iclude
The Three Juggling Bannans     -i jug-
glin"; Stuit ttollins and tle n aSis-
ters haijoists Jiinie ileCreca  -.; TI-
Mlan from Denver; Clarie   V i    the
southetrn singer; Se;elin, Frn  Ic bo
mitist- MlaudeeOdell; JoeN ; 11 hreA
comedian; Hill & Svlviany. Eu<   n senl
sational novelty, and the Moris  e.
Clarice Vance, who can sing    i mthen
songs as no other singer can rm-r them
will be at the American Mousic I I1 next
Incognito, billed as a South Sl1b gill
will be at the American Musti Iill in
New York next week.
Benjariin Chapia- will com,  J, t]
American Music Hall week of Fi S an
will present Lincoln at the1 W 1 lIo
The Texas Jack company v- Ile
Chicmgo Sunday included H-n- tsheh
anmig-er; aMr. and Mrs. CisatI  I ,ik
Sarahs Htansilton; Barney Clarlk Charlt
Hall; Leo Dumnont; Harry -W-,I , ail
Walter La Mont. Thse comin oeripdn
last Monday at Akron, Ohio.
Ethel Van Brocklin is in 1I1-  ii- an
it is reported that she ias ben - lage
for DorothyinTseGoldenGit    ieo
Salle, Sise left tlse Lymsan IcN iii sorn-
pniny about two weeks ago.
Lafayette, Ind., .Tun. 26.
Displaying  remarkable forti 1   an
nerve, Frances Nordstrom, leadIng womW
with The D-evil company now p' ing tl
m iddle west. xwent thsroiughs 1-----t5
a Matinee performance ere  Irda
despite a severe attack of ii1s-' whi
caused her to fall in a dad fi-nt jus
a few minutes before her entiicrrane in it
last set. Before a local doctor arrid6
Miss Nordstrom   was revived bx   othe
aeimbers of the company and proceed-
wivil her lines. After the matinee. '
was placed under the care of pinsscial
at the Hotel Labr, and at t- - veni
performance Diana Oste enact ddhe Tol
of Olga Hoffmasin. Miss Ost, vas nev
at the character and had never r learse
the part, but she gave a sp -- I inte
cretation of it. Miss Nordtrll iN is at
to join the coipansy at Akron( I. Mi
Nordstrom had been ill for sex   I dli
and this, combined wyith  tie  ff1rill
from tite enforced traeling, resuled
hser lbrsldoxxn.-VANCE.
The W"'hite Rmts will give n1 1i,,lwfitn
the Grirnd Opera house in Clii-.5) Feb
28, arnd the members of the nrdr fro
the various theaters of thI  , will PrIT
vide a splendid program.       I isW
be used to build a club hou.
Change of Policy.
Cincinnati,  "  1   28
The L m   th--I-r, it I  l, d, wil
vaud-il----------------------------  I \  NCe
ll'NYi 1


ARL LAEMMLE, president of the Laemmle Film Srevice, left Chicago
Thursday to visit his branch offices in Evansville, Ind., and Memphis,
Tenn. Before returning to Chicago, Mr. Laemmle will enjoy a two weeks'
recreation at Hot Springs, Ark. On the eve of his departure, Thursday, in an
interview with a SHOW WORLD representative. Mr.
Laemmle said:
"Conditions in the moving picture field look very en-
couraging, and while considerable discussion is going on
regarding the licensing of exhibitors, I am of the opinion
that a great majority of the cool-headed men in the
business will readily tall in line.. I am optimistic-busi-
ness -s moving along at a good, healthy, steady gait, and
while we have lost a few customers who are not willing
to submit to the new conditions, I venture to say that
we have gained three for every one we have this lost,
Relative to the 200 a week exhibitor'slcense fee I per-
-   sonally think it a good thing.  I have perhaps given
this matter more serious thought and study than any
renter in the business, and the more I considered it the
stronger I was convinced that the exhibitor is going to
profit by it in the end. Take my own house on Milwau-
kee avenue, in this city, as an example. Why, I would
gladly pay $50.00 a week license to the Motion Picture
Patents Company if I could thereby get rid of my com-
petition. My profits from that house have been cut
down to one-half of what it made ine first year. Mind
you, the business on Milwauke avenue is just as great
as it ever was on the whole, but thet remendous competition has reduced the
individual earning power of each and every moving picture theater on that thor-
"It was high time indeed that the moving picture business was regulated,
and I am now looking forward to better times for the film industry than have
ever been experienced heretofore. The exhibitors will now  get protection
which they have badly needed,    If anyone has cause to make complaint it
would be the renter, because he has been hit the har'dest by signing the con-
tract w ith the Patents Comspaniy. I do honestly believe that this contract was
really a necessary evil, It will protect honest exchanges and do away with
many abuses which have operated against the complete success of the busi-


