H  ntimld fo    a e l)
Itu  I  ll til  11 I I i  1f  I  ien  alRing-
if a o  iittee  Of* the  hililrs  came  lhere
I'l   )Ii)          be11N 1 e 1ot ee  Pres Ident
iIrslntit this owcoting gwere George
I  ;tirr   l f  thillint
Chti     'c'n n   it f wl oo le Eroti-
cirs Sillow  P  Ir. licrx'e', genel a1genc1
o       iIg('lnhFII'k- F. allce' Sh'ox'w I rry
JlginII Ill eInt of tile Sels-Flto
S   Show;c lilorlgI  A11ii. r'eptresentting  lice
. >la ritt(1 ofIsIIn on a les In in
Nli'  relicsentlng reenti &   BdileC.
iitglin~g  mot-aent On tle luroleo Bill
and  Iclxi on  oil  W i  W 'st.
i   e    chanIe iAgreed Uporn
te (oi liti ' i ft fs wotIl  to  ti,-Fl  to
teir'  poito1  v ry firll,  n-eelrtin.  tol~
tha   o gen ral t  te   m etn  , a d
Ichrl's Hin Il'g Ai('ted hils ei' of the
thilse  nRovIsll s l xwch hath sides
ore~ ~    ~W    E.h--pndn  altoe an  the. F
oilt  If vxl,                      B
gl(] ill l iIlt, V xcc s  I .lll c'ci  l
T   he Chranmentws Arced  wen. al
(int'rsted announlcedl tlat it llcange' ini
It  l fIl ille(rs would be sotisfcetn'o.
V'rme now sction, in   eol  satedsas
''Sl'Itionl ..--Thiel secle of saltiri's tol lie
twe'ty-fix'eI I( c wollr  ter moIllnthi and ten
'in  n1 im ni:  thit-fi'' dollrs pl r  mionth
with 1I tdollarsn    algter  uti ol tne
fort' Iolles      war month with tenl weltls
lild blilk. anl  forvxt-fie  dollairs per
iolthi aind tnl  lclrs hold nellic  per
mithi. Two'I-tthi'lls of te0 ililiosters xxith