January 30, 1909.


Eqalppei with improved Fire
Magazines, Automatic FireShutter
and Automatic Fire Shield (Lubin's
patent) Asbestos Covered Wire Con-
nections, new improved Lamp House,
new style Fire-proof Rheostat, im-
proved Electric Lamp.  Complete
with everything seen intheocut,in-
cluding polished carrying case for
Mechanism, including Adjustable
Bicycle-steel Legs,         00
to extend over
feet hiTh. ......... RJ4    0

Aunt Emmy's Scrap
Childhood days. School days. Love',
t1ken. Thehappiestday. Sorrow.
The next morning. Rward for kind-
ness and patience. What Jack did in
the meantime. No answer. Jack
goestothe West. Richaftertwelve
years. Off to find Emmy. The last
chapter. A most beautiful picture,
full of sentiment and motion,
The Blind Musician
Evening. Morning. "Were is my
littlegirl?" Aclue. Foundanldlost
forever.  Sixwveeks later.  United.
Anexcellent dramaticsubjectofgreat
drawingpower. '
Willie's Water
A comicfilmfulloflaughtermaking

NiN   Li:eMo- LubinBldg.,926-928Mar-
s. LUBI           .S:ides"e" ket St., PHILADELPHIA

M--- -- M

Edison Kinetoscopes



Prices froi $90.00
to  215.00

The exhibitor who uses
an Edison Kinetoscope need
not fear competition.
To invest in an indifferent or inferior
picture machine is to invite failure. The
Edison Kinetoscope is unequalled for its
brilliant, steady, clean-cut work. There
is no unpleasant flicker, no wear on the
films, no danger from fire and no compli-
cated mechanisms to get out of order. The

motion picture idea originated with Thomas A. Edison.
He offers it in its most perfect form in his Kinetoscope.
One of many decided improvements is its
This lamp house ismuch larger than other types, has better radiation,
takes longer carbons and, by reason of top, back and side openings, is much
moreaccessible. Acompletedescription of the Edison Kinetoscope, with
illustrations, in booklet form, sent free on request.
Edison Films
Thesubjectsfor Edison Films are selected with great care and are
acted out by talented people.  They are never ordinary, but are always of
a character that does not offend. They range from thrilling melodrama to
brisk, lively comedy, They are made with unusual care by a process that
i   b  l  l    fI N             c I

olior that ito positiNvely  oayttttl  not sign  rnt  int nnswri  n  ,it sjis ;a 1. -\ insures a soute y perect results.
II1 iartc tllct etie  itto a letngthy  t      i csslly to a  Il In in their you will send us your address you will
uguiinent to the c ffect that under the  Georgo F. Kearney, of the TWolverine   new films as they appear,
hiett ti rnt ungett  lrt 0  Ilts  exchanges Filtt &  Supply Co.. Detroit, a menamber Shipment Jan 26,1909
-I)11I  c ttit-nge  for thifltttllyS.  the  Ilidenrt Ptotettve Pictire A- Nit. lilt6  A O   A   CE OF
istiey swere only allowed to kep them  mation of tht citY, sti  e iihad de-
it litmitdi tite And consluentlY would  lined to sig the agroenet aind tilkd  ShipmentJan.29,1909 AMODESTYOU
11t1\e to) get nIre re\eitI  from thern  ott the New  York association of ex-                        NEXT 1EEK'
wil thy were wrt-king. He advised all hibitors ricently formed. He advised
11lxhiui  too tse ildenticlont flim be- the exhibitors to organize.             n1   The   Origin of Beethove
cause it was best, stating that he nmade  Alr. Cht1atkin, of the Glohe Film  Co.- No. 6,418                      CodeVEN
11re mIin  il KnsiIs City than his com- made a short address, stating that the
ptitors, nitiitistanding  his  expenses Gflobe stood ready to stipply exhibitors Shipment Feb. 5, 1909-Adventures of A
were heavier.                          with any nunber of films desired, and
lo      was fillo-ed bv Alfred H. wx-ouIiId troitect them it the use of same.
Suntder' eiditotr of the Moving Picture  David iHosley, of the Centaur Film Co
News, who otttertained tlie assemblage Batyoln, N. J., stated that there had notISON           M   ANUFAC
I ti-rtinn iOr rithera nitillipic, upon  heen enoigh trade in America and he had     MAIN OFFICE AND FACTORY, 74
the Moin Picture Patents ('. Ir. Snun- therefore sent its negatives to  Europe; NEW  YORK OFFICE: 10 FIFTH AVE.
r        is lbId tlder of Oratory step  that lie was getting out one reel a week,  Office for the United Kingdom: Edison
ly step till 1h0 reached the skis, from  whi'h would be available for the indepen-                                N. W.,
tiWhetnce ie gripped the Ane-ician engle, dent exhibitors.                          SEIING AGENTS: JP. L. WALTERS.
Inlid hidin' tlieit mli of Iliertv in front  M1o-ris Biefold. vice-president of tle                GEOHGE RRECK,
oif hs tIudience till it s-reeclted, ie de- Thite Cit Construction Co.. and owner                     DEALERS IN ALL
noiu    l-dlgo- Kleine. the Edison Co., of t strincg of theaters, said: "The at-
th Molilt 'icltre Patents Co. and its  teipt to levy blackltail-I cannot call it fleine is with ti today. as It was at
liteises whom Ie declared were flying  anyt otlher name--uIptonl each and every ex- tlt lime. It remains to he seen whether
undir th0 black flag of the pirates. 1libilar is ant outrage on decency, and an  the Pitoits Company that is before ts is
mentioning Messrs. Dyer, Scull K I- intslit to ordinary dignity. When I re- not for the benefit of each exhibitor in
nltld Al-r ii. Ie read at editorial eeir of ti circular proposing that I should  Chicigo. TYe need their help, especially
I-ih it stiterl le had prepared him-  he levi-il tpotn for the machine which I every exhibitor who has a senting capacity
self on similar Ines, that 'tihe Motion  1-ougIt and paid for. atnd had in use for of fromn 150 to 400 seats. If the eombina-
Picture Patents Co, was a power t ,        so cr and I shtoll  stand a tribute of tion in (1d os they claim. give its the sup-
whom we nad" a great obeisance, bilut  2" t woel, I considered that an insult to  nort Ind the bnelkng and iotnefit the ex-
do not wvorshiip;" that tihe Pittents Co. in its nZ1 onlinary business man. I will hiitor. T feel tlt it would nrobibly be
was trying to get $1,040.000 a year     1n to the lentgth of any proposition rather a cot ihitntis for lte little two dollars a
from exhibitors, and advised the ex-   t brook ant insult of that Ishind. I am  week that the  rnight charoe ts to back
hibitors not to sign.                   Wii VittI In any motion. I    tm not pre- tin thlat colbin'ation. I undor-ttind their
isd tihl exhibilors not to sign.       i-ttrod to propose any' remedies. I have oblict is to    Ct kei out competition. TVe
Attired it a friek cont, witlh tis Mi- iIst entered the ball this ninut  and  ,ll knoow tIltat if you start a moving pic-
tiottina fatP -Ild iloNi-ig teaird, Mr. Saun- have not hnld what has transpired. But ttireol thntor in   Enod locality within a
dors' plittirlesqutte t-apearance and inips- I am with -ott aInd stand by you in any- short titie somelods' comes in and com-
sistonedI wiord mtide a leep impression. He thing tlit is feasible."          notes awith you an< the first thing you
lid inot state where he awas tnokied next  TTarrv BRibel, of the Chicago Film Ex- know  there is still another, and y0ou
Weel, ilit it is not iuprobilble that the- cltntige, said: "T im not a man of many  htaav to nOt it aN-ucleville acts, probabIv
ater goIs wxill laety  tle pleasure of wit- words: T tm  the man beind tho gutni. two or three. and  nobody  mnkes  sny
nsing tie nlt ol the vudeleville stage if Ihaive taken the responsible work of pub- rnaov. On the other bnt'r if it is all a
lie Can ho persianded to forego the battle lieul- for this entice, acting as tile ren- router of bunk, and a mattor of one con-
fsr indeedne inl which ie has ar- resenintive of the Chiongo aInd other ex- corn. or three or four gentlonii rcnit'g
cI]l himself.                         charges who xill be identified with them  tle hefit of this two eIollars a week.
Geoarge rnleinierg, of Ilie International in the indonlndcnt movement."     bih nnounts to $1.040.000 n yesr, thtcn
Film Mfg. Co., Pliiladelplit. stated that  Mr. Rbel then read a number of cir- it is it iucstion" for encel aPi ev'ery fndi-
Is iern ld consed manufacturing    cultrs lit haCCd lirepnreed for distribition.  v-biIl to decii]0, and study- thornglila'
hlans as there was no market for same.   Mr. Acilillnp. of the TUnique Film  &   "-helthr he eas'-  to uive those three or
ut now that the inlepondent movement Construction, followed, stating that ]I   four o   1otile a  anIak with that enormous
iS 5Stted he avoul go back to it.   repro-sented the Ttlian  Cines and    tle  sum of mone. You mny lie nip  avin'r tio
Air. Pink, of the Vinscope  Co., saId: Great Northern Film Co.. and invited the dollars n weile and cettinit bek fifty for
lie a'e not been asled to go into the  'vbiiitors to call a-nd see the films he  -ell donlIn in setefit. If it is I fact that
iist, and are not figuring upon going had. tllse nponle live the power to licene
t it. Weo will keep on building Via-    In the- mentime insistent Calls Wre-  a  moi-le nicttte slww. leaving Oiva iN
sopes and seling them." I-e stated that ing made for Dan Mulve, and lie s-- cortin ntt'-her in a Inolity aiwhore th-rc
IinteIltlinie was inot an infringement and  iired the floor, exnrloding a bomb i the  "-, sifeicet to take care of the nblit .
ctented exhlibtors not to sign tihe  I- nilst of the  gathering.  Mr.  Mulvey   then I thi-  it is a 'enefit to cnell a1'
cense application  "I don't bolieve they  said:                                   c'-v Oibitior in Chiono. for we all
cii tei its axtht at   of tic pRatent  "IT  did nt expet to don aits tallsiN' T  lrn o omit tte cottilio-in is.
hIlt'e lve  to" lie contined "and if it c-iton to listen like, a great mon' bers. si i  si. seven end citt isoust
iresra to    upfi plt  dasiy bold ony  fok. Fur Tan rCrsot tiws mewtinTg has be d   oatar           t    oblopd ot.-
idlt oftl [lm0te w                   of t'oaT xsn. is for the otonhfit of the oxlih- 1r ago and folh -a-0 tbo  o n ft ison
The ~t spetsakerywas N. -". Rithel. rep)- itits. T Im tinder tit!in rSSio,  tithere  ' 'ot-cleigivcorceanlg-
ilie wtitg the lsal, n ohe  and Chicago  fre thv  ientohinlions. and nbdrn inof thnni   to ave-  ut e  ati  nd  c no-'t
liliii 051o tins-c      insusaneItor          e     ton         9ii to b,'e              'oIlar. We will also waear our-
"rewn t    tctis  together ten film  ox- T -s ioe of tie first.  -it-i Ixtoirs. Tei-   t  t
tiater~ia ho supply anyhody withany  fold. Friodlander. and Cozart. axi-on we  ''~is P mat"", to   he  loolsed  intto.
kind o)f flits~ titey- want. We c xpecteid got togethter'ahtotit aI year ago aInd fouight ahtisit,,h Po''linaption of the Ed1ison
tlettl'le axit the P'itents Company,and for the independent film exehiange. At s-ndRioct'anh ~-i-inicos arc in a post-
forwarricd is forear~med. A-o re v  en- ttit time the nrice avirorisel to V,0 and  lion to s"'""'-  the cx'htr   T  am
aged as counsel the 1irm   of Moran. 110. At thnt lime we hd with Its Gorge      snockine for sic exh-ibItor cs I did thre-
Alier & Atstra-in and Munday. Evarts. KIline. Mr. Kleine. as Mr. Saunler lita   o" fomi mnonthslt ,on. it is not i case
eek & Clare, patent attornevs. and  said. camp to the front nnd oai 'TTond  of -k one conern or te other. or any
thOw" & Fordlihm  and have alrendy snent it to the Edison Comnnny.x We dii. ( e   non.oWal interest  t stale. T an  in ox-
ousands of dollars. Alrnaiv we lav'e fclt at liberty to han'] it to ilto'--  and  1i"to- na lo not rnreet 9nv film e-
ealpa-t work. Oneis insvestgating the sna whaltever we snw fit to sa'  Tatis Thoi's  7oh e-tihitor dnilt to elirtvl
tmerican films; one will sail for Europe  onlI a few months badk. I think then   c'' for m-eclf s-l fipr  out the sitn"t-
omorroob to scour the market there, and  there was nn indenendent exchango Pint     ni s-e vhtethier it is not hst for
ii hasbeen appointed to see. if possible, into the field  whi-lh. without a doubt,   to sizn
itrsi  or bh committees, the exhib- brought o    iwn the nrpice of film. The Oues- ,t "T Iertainly apnrecito the efforts these
ettteIn different parts of the country to  tion is whether those men are with us tcentlemen are putting forth to bring ts
get their co-operation.  Another stands today. It is a question whether George closer together, and that  we   are. of

ew fms are prepared each week.          If
lreceive complete descriptions of the
OLD MADRID $1"mCodeV NGp             .t
A  AT Colied. No. 6ill. App. Length
n's Moonlight Sonata Dramati.
GEABLE.                 App. Iength 00 Ft.
* l  lr   ComledN   N.\o. t119  Apr)1)
nOldF            engtli 00 FL Code VENGEANCE
Works, Victoria Road, Willesden, London,
41 E. 2Ist St.. Nes  Yotk.
70 Turk St , San Francisco. Cal.
cotse, utich stronger. At the same time
e hacve got two cominations offered to
Wls. whiI ot   of these two do we Want
to join? I think tlit you should think
it o-er seriotuly between now   and the
fist of the ttmonth, and let each one de-
cide as to whtieh is the best one. If we
cantt get proteetioni we will not Ite over-
loaded with riff-toff shows. which keep
nttohos ftm matintg a dollar."
naltit1 H"orsl0V diuted tihe claim thtt
to it(' ti  compltt  totld prevent any
ont fromn sittig a shoxv alongside of
thenter. atnd] citodl the ease of a Chinn-
tman   who enmptlelld 1 th  Troy Tundiry
Mchitnery Co. to sell Iitn  t i lie.
Dtl. Ray  thn nte alother    tddress,
1ttitg  thiatt l e  hItuln t tttsttled  with  tile
best InN-sers it n issotri inIcldin  At-
tornv Getteral Inlley. who said, regard-
ini the proposed liconse agreement: "The
mintto No" sign thtat thei property rights
toV Vested in vot are forever gone and
ottt not start in business anywhere.
'tes'   m stop  ou h1ott tenutse volt re-invest
titl right volt have back to them for the
prirIe of rutnntitng a few days."
N. T. TIbol tlet stated:   "Yot don't
Ito  to sigs  ts aereement at n11. Just
stot-d t tt. If "Ittl d1ott't sign and you go
to cINy licetsod exhaolnge thev will only'
It too PlId In aive you all Ite filut you
watin.  Don't sign. If you do sign you
ar It goner."
eo  Mt'. stltnldrs got into the gnmo
aintt. ad responditig to ant emore took
tnotheor how.
t resolitio  wais theni tunanimoslsy
nIsed apainst signing I110 license"I appli-
fIrion.  tinthe llcdititoO hritsiyttt ct-ic
veto 1c-icc Ina-"IC fit, Georg  Ii,tcc., tlt
voterati sh)owmtttt, wholl operates, titSti
:,tte theater.  Mr. 1-lues finally -got
floor, atnd stiod:              g
"TI didttolit cat tto ter  to ccv  ity-
tititg: I ca"n"I" tO liottt. and I anm
very Iunh pleOtSed that I came. As far
St he Etdion CoTmntanytv antd the Patents
omtttn ate cotcrted . T am very much
onsed to nonotoe tlnt T applied for a
licee  act] I have got license number 1.
''Wlnt we need here in Chicago is for
the Oxhititors to get together and or-
:i so-iel  of outr own. TWe need
"I lielievo the Patents Company is very
fair. Thtey sa thev will protect ts from
havin-g strottg (omntttetition. and that no-
'-d will et a license until after inves-
tigation. If we keep out competition those
(Continuel on Pact II   )



CompieswithFire ietula-
tlollsof all ities.
