January 30, 1909.



ARE NOW COVERED UP                         NOT A GREAT PLAY
The Exposure of Miss Hoffman's Person in Salome Dance Too Much It Deals With a Great Subject But Author Nor Star Has Realized
for Cincinnati and Akron.                 the Possibilities.

'V. 'Itn

Akron, 0., Jan. 30.
"Naughty, naughty," said members of
the Akron Women's Council, composed
of all the women's clubs of the city, when
thinly draped pictures of Gertrude Hoff-
man, appearing here today in The Mimic
World, appeared on the billboards. "Hor-
rible" the ladies exclaimed in unison,
a:nd straightway they  appeared  before
MayorW. T. Sawyer in a body demanding
that tie "indecent exposure" be covered
F. E. Johnson, manager of the Colonial
theater, was called into conference. Sug-
gestions by several of the ladies that
Johnson and the billposters should be ar-
rested, caused Johnson to cast uneasy
glances "t'word" a nearby exit.
Finally it was agreed to cover up all
parts of Gertrude excepting her feat-
unes. Last Monday morning the billpost-
ers ventured forth armed with buckets
of paste, a mop and an arm full of blank
white paper. A large sheet was tucked
under her chin and slapped over the lower
portions of her anatomy, leaving only her
head peeping gracefully over the board's
white expanse. Salome, scantily attired,
in giddy gyrations before the head of John
the Baptist, will no more offend the sight
of Akroniltes, especially members of the
Women's Council. Several have avowed
intentions of seeing her dance. ''just to
see if it is as disgraceful as the bill-
boards portrayed.'-MOORE.
Cincinnati, Jan. 25.
"God help the city that has a mayor
like Mr. -Markbrit, as he hasn't any moral
sense," said Rev. Robert Watson, pastor
of the Church of the Covenant andn me-
ber of the committee of ministers who
asked the authorities to suppress Gertrude
Hoffman's Salome dance at the Lyric the-
ater last week, in commenting on the
mayor's statements that the dance was
"I viewed the dance  through  strong
'lera glasses Thursday night atd couldn't
any clothing ot Miss Hoffman. If
sh' had any clothing on it was not dis-
cernible. Rev. John F. Herget, of the
Merry War on at Beaumont. Texas, and
Innovation Sprung at Cleveland, Ohio,
In New Line.
Beaumont, Tex., Jan. 26.
Beaumont is in the midst of a theatrical
War which grows in intensity and public
interest each week. There are now three
stock eompanies playing melodrama here.
The three shows are within a block of
each other, and in addition the Kyle the-
ater will continue to do business under
the Greenwall lease, presenting the usual
run of road attractions which visit Texas.
Each of the stock companies has a band
tnd each day about noon there is a con-
Petitive band concert on the streets. It
is realized that the town is scarcely large
enough to support so many theaters, and
lhere seems to be a war which will em-
Ile the principle of the survival of the
Cleveland, 0., Jan. 28.
A distinct departtre from the usual in
te moving pictureb siness lesbeen in-
ilge9rald by'Will WV. Scott at the 55th
Street theater. Mr. Scott opened a season
of stock beginning Jan. 18.
Mr. Bob was the first production, fol-
lweed by The Bully and The Babe. The
cnmpany is way above the average and
has talent of a degree seldom  seen in
ennection with moving picture shows.
llustrated songs and pictures are run be-
tween the acts.-YOUNG.
Harry McRae Webster Engages Cast.
New York, Jan. 27.
Harry McRae Webster, formerly stage
director of the Orpheum stock company in
Philadelphia, and who, since his retire-
ment from that position has organized a
stock compan to erect a theater at 52nd
and Market streets. Philadelphia, to be
devoted to stock, was in this city today