DEL F TWARE Dining and Related Wares 
DEL.T...   E  Dishes and Plates 
Oriental Landscapes, Gardens, and Figures 
D103. DISH 
Probably Brislington 
H.: 2 3/4" (7 cm); Diam.: 11 5/8" (29.5 cm) 
BODY CLAY: Medium-grained dark 
TIN GLAZE: Lightturquoise. 
SHAPE: Molded. Twenty lobes rising 
from slightly convex center. Shape of 
back follows form of interior but with 
slight footrim. 
DECORATION: Painted. Chinese 
figures in landscapes. 
AlIthough fragments of basically similarly shaped dishes have been 
unearthed at at least one London site,' the glaze color, formalized painting

style, and palette of this dish indicate that it was produced in Brislington.
what similar mounds in dark blue and yellow with purple grasses and outlines

are found on a Longridge collection saucer-shaped dish (no. D102) and on
a dish 
depicting James II (no. D19), the latter with the mounds in shades of blue.
shape and size the dish shown here matches one depicting Charles II (no.
and both may be from the same mold. The dates of Charles's reign (1660-1685;

see Time Line, pp. 12-13) and the 1683 below a crown centered on another

example of nearly this shape (with a somewhat larger, fiat central reserve)
in dating the Longridge Chinese figures in landscapes dish.' This piece was
terned after lobed metalwork shapes; for other delftware and slipware 
examples, see numbers S31, D10, D83, D104, D135. 
1. For differently decorated lobed dishes 
excavated at the Aldgate (consumer) site, 
see Thompson, Grew, and Schofield, Aldgate 
Excavations, p. 59, fig. 28, no. 127. 
2. For the 1683 dish, see Archer, Brislington, 
p. 157, no. 14; Lipski and Archer, Dated Delft- 
ware, no. 122.