Army, met to modify and amplify Articles 4 and 6 of the Agreement
signed January 24, 1942 as modified by the Agreement signed Feb-
ruary 20, 1942. These modifications and amplifications must be pre-
viously ratified by the Governments of Ecuador and the United States
in order to be in effect.

Article 4 is amended to read as follows:

The boundaries of the fields and water areas where the above men-
tioned constructions and installations will be effected, are fixed in the
adjoining sketch plan,"* except the North-South boundary which is
changed as shown in the accompanying topographical map: *"4 “War
Department, Office of the Division Engineer, Panama Division, Dated
August 26, 1942, Scale 1’’=600’. Drawing N° 5767.”

Article 6 is amended to read as follows:

The constructions and installations authorized may be started 1m-
mediately upon the signing of the present agreement. The Govern-
ment of the United States agrees to deliver to the Government of
Ecuador the sum of seventy one thousand five hundred dollars
($71,500.00) for the expropriation and indemnization for the lands
and dwellings of the Municipality of Salinas and of private citizens
established on the lands pertaining to this Agreement, and for the
demolition of the existing structures that may be necessary for the
constructions and installations indicated above.

Signed at Quito on the Ist. day of October, 1942.

sed.) Ricarpo AsTupiL1o, sod.) Srrarin M. Monresrnos,
Coronel Ing. Colonel US. Army.
Witness: Witness:

sed.) Cristésau Totepo 68., sgd.) Harry N. Rensuaw,
Coronel Jefe H.M.G. Lt. Col., A.C.

Norr.—Of this document two (2) copies in Spanish and two (2)
in English have been made, of which one in each language has been
delivered to Colonel Montesinos and the other two have been de-
livered to the Ecuadorean General Staff. Each two of the above
cited copies is accompanied by a topographical map authenticated
by the signatures of Colonels Astudillo and Montesinos.

sod.) CristépaL Totzpo §.,
Coronel, Jefe del H.M.G.

*@ Not found in Department files.