The United States has carried out, and is continuing to carry out,
substantial and important plans for the development of resources and
for aiding in the maintenance of internal economies in the American
Republics. The allocations agreed upon and the priority treatment
now being accorded to the other American Republics with respect to
many tight products are relatively much less severe than the treat-
ment accorded to civilian users of the same products within the
United States. This Government expects that there will be a parallel
development in which the American republics will cooperate fully
in all measures designed to allocate to the various republics the
maximum amount of rubber products on the basis of respective war
or defense needs. Arrangements through barter or otherwise which
obtain for a particular country a disproportionate amount of rubber
products will in the end only deter the common cause.

811.20 Defense (M) Colombia/45: Telegram
    The Charge in Colombia (Keith) to the Secretary of State

                                  BOGOTA, March 30,1942-11 p. m.
                                  [Received March 31-3: 20 a. m.]
  429. With reference to my telegram no. 414 March 25, 11 p. m.
This afternoon when seeing the PresidentM I referred to the note
submitted the Foreign Office on rubber emphasizing its urgency and
importance. The President stated he would study the matter care-
fully this week and I would have some response by April 8. He
added, "You can count on my aid."

811.20 Defense (M)Colombla/65: Telegram
  The Ambassador in Colombia (Lane) to the Secretary of State

                                      BOGOTA', May 5,1942-7 p. m.
                                      [Received May 6-5: 28 a. m.]
  599. With reference to Department's telegram no. 350 March 23,
11 p. m. and my telegram 593, May 4, 9 p. m.55 The Foreign Minister
would like to know whether provision could be made within the terms
of the rubber purchase program for the supply to Colombia of neces-
sary equipment for the establishment of a tire manufacturing plant
to satisfy at least in part this country's requirements. He also wishes
to know if technical experts could be supplied by the United States.

4 Eduardo Santos.
55 Latter not printed.