tribution or use of any imported article, it shall as a general rule
give public notice of the total quantity or value of such article per-
mitted to be imported, exported, sold, distributed or used during a
specified period, and of any change in such quantity or value. Fur-
thermore, if the Government of the United States of America or the
Government of the United Mexican States allots a share of such total
quantity or value to any third country, it shall as a general rule allot
to the other country, with respect to any article in which the latter
has an important interest, a share based upon the proportion of the
total quantity or value supplied by, or in the case of exports a share
based upon the proportion exported to, such other country during a
previous representative period.
  3. The provisions of this Article relating to imported articles shall
also apply in respect of the quantity or value of any article permitted
to be imported at a specified rate of duty.
                           Article IV
  [Same as in final text.]
                            Article V
  1. If the Government of the United States of America or the Gov-
ernment of the United Mexican States establishes or maintains a
monopoly for the importation, sale, distribution or production of any
article or grants exclusive privileges to any agency to import, sell,
distribute or produce any article, the commerce of the other country
shall be accorded fair and equitable treatment in respect of the for-
eign purchases of such monopoly or agency. To this end such monop-
oly or agency shall, in making its foreign purchases of any article, be
influenced solely by considerations, such as price, quality, market-
ability and terms of sale, which would ordinarily be taken into
account by a private commercial enterprise interested solely in pur-
chasing such article on the most favorable terms.
  2. The Government of the United States of America and the Gov-
ernment of the United Mexican States, in the awarding of contracts
for public works and generally in the purchase of supplies, shall
accord fair and equitable treatment to the commerce of the other
country as compared with the treatment accorded to the commerce
of any third country.
                           Article VI
  [Same as in final text except that in paragraph 5 the final text has
the added words "as soon as practicable," which do not appear in
draft, with respect to the submission of recommendations by the
committee of technical experts.]
                           Article VII
  [Same as in final text.]