factorily with public opinion. I am convinced after careful explora-
tion of all other possible sites that only Taboga meets the essential
requirements for this much needed base.

711P.1914/467: Telegram
  The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Panamna (Wilson)

                             WASHINGTON, May 5, 1942-10 p. m.
  351. Your despatch 2089, May 2.38 You are authorized to accept
the Panamanian proposal regarding the Rio Hato tract, as set forth
in numbered paragraph 3 of your despatch.
  The agreement regarding Taboga Island is acceptable.
  The Department prefers that the proposed press releases to be
issued simultaneously in Washington and PanamA, be issued on the
date of signature of the defense site agreement rather than in advance
thereof. If this is politically impracticable in Panama, please tele-
graph your further recommendations.
  The proposed arrangement regarding Chorrera and Pacora is
  The proposed exchange of notes referred to in numbered para-
graph 8 is approved. Please forward full texts of notes.
  There appears to be no reason to anticipate difficulty in obtaining
Congressional approval of the proposals in the twelve points relat-
ing to the liquidation of the Rio Hato highway credit and conveyance
of the railroad lots and waterworks to Panamai. The Department
has requested the War Department to support the proposed legisla-
tion. It is my understanding that with the foregoing all remaining
points of difference have been eliminated, other than the date of the
proposed press releases. Please confirm.

711F.1914/473: Telegram
  The Amnbassador in Panama (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

                                  PANAMA, May 8, 1942-4 p. m.
                                           [Received 7: 51 p. m.]
  455. Reference defense site agreement. In view of time required
for preparation of Panamanian statement and of memorandum
annexed to agreement describing the defense sites we have decided to
set the date for signing the agreement and releasing the statement
on Wednesday May 13 at noon Panamanian time. Will it be agree-

'8 Not printed, but see telegram printed 8upra.